Has anyone else had trouble with squid seeds? I can't get them to plant. I tried various size ponds up to 5x5 with an without flowing water. 1 deep and two deep. Using a dropper in an attempt to drop it straight down. On dirt instead of water. It basically just bobs on the surface and doesn't plant. I haven't had any trouble with the dirt based seeds...(fire,creeper,lightning) Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Use an open blocks dropper (not vanilla) have a light source beside the pool if water (torch, glowstone ect) try a 1x1x1 or 1x1x2 with this method.
thanks for the ideas. I had a torch next to the 5x5 pool. I tried adding another right next to the the 1x1x2 and dropped it there. It worked. not 100% but at least I can progress without killing myself getting grass seeds. Thx