Hi there! I have 2 suggestions, this is mainly directed at the moneyshop /shop. Both are from the mod Forestry; The first one is an starter Alveary kit, existing out of basic alveary blocks, a rain shield and a lightning shield. The second one is a basic 3x3x4 (the minimum) multifarm existing out of "broken smoothstone". I came from an AG server that no longer exists, due yet unknown reasons, that had these 2 as well on their store, in your value worth 300 for the first kit, and 240 for the second kit, and they sold quite well.
The multi-farm, may be quite possible to be added, if the admins/founders agree on that. However, on the subject of the alveary. It is quite time-consuming to make it, and it is intended by the mod-maker to be as such. I have not seen if AG has a different recipe for the alvearies, but the standard resources you will need is: ~216 Royal Jelly, ~216 Pollen, ~432 Bees wax, ~648 wood, as well as 108 buckets of honey. A regular comb gives 100 mb honey, making you need to gather 1080 combs as well. Not to mention, that the alveary is quite OP when it comes to the resources you can get, compared to an apiary. A single alveary can get you the resources needed for another alveary in 3-4 hours, when it can take days for several apiaries to get the needed resources. And to not forget, mutations can be greatly multiplicated, if Extra Bees exists in any modpack that this kit could be available in, with the Alveary. Having 16 frame holders, and placing a soulframe in each, would bump up the mutation quite a bit, but if you have a mutator block in the alveary, and place a nether star in it, then the mutation chances will be at least 100%. Lowest mutation percentage is 2% in some bees, and the nether star gives a 50x bonus. All too overpowered to be given out, in my own view. Quoting "Advantage | Pay2Win" Section, found in the Store page. "All our tiers and kits are designed to make the life of our sponsors a bit easier in order to give a reason for sponsoring. We are not a fan of pay2win but have to pay our bills, which is why we don't sell op perks like creative on survival servers and why perks like godmode don't work on pvp servers. The kits are designed to save about 3-4 hours of playtime to gather the basics but don't give any end game content." However, the decision still lies with the Admin's, if we will implement these or not.
I would agree with @eAndPi. I have poured alot of time into Agrarian Skies and allowing those things to be in our shop would go against our pay2win policy. I can assure you that it is very rewarding when you finally get to that point.