[Suggestion] Tin Gear Conversion at Spawn

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ECyberboi, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. ECyberboi

    ECyberboi New Member

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    2:44 PM
    I've noticed that there is a Copper Gear conversion sign at the spawn for Forestry Gears that do not work in certain recipes, but there is no Tin Gear conversion sign for machine recipes such as the Grinder. The smeltery method for Tin Gears only produce the Forestry gears, and not the Thermal Foundation ones, so would it be possible to add a Tin Gear conversion sign at spawn for this issue alongside the Copper Gear sign?
    ~ Cyberboi.
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    2:44 PM
    You can try use a Unifier to transform the Gears from Forestry to Thermal Foundation
  3. ECyberboi

    ECyberboi New Member

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    2:44 PM
    Had no idea that actually existed, thanks. Although if you could do that with Copper Gears then there's no use for the sign at spawn if that was the case.

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