My friend Misco asked to write it on the forum because he forgot the password from the forum. He created the TARDIS door but it won't open for unknown reasons. Is it possible to delete his TARDIS and he will create it? Inside the TARDIS, he has nothing, so he is not sorry.
My problem did not dare. The door to the Tardis is also closed. I think it happened due to the fact that after moving the tardis teleported to my island and did not fix the tardis, the door jammed inside. Can you remove my tardis from the database? I have nothing of value there and I will create it anew. Well, or somehow teleport me to my tardis and I'll fix it from the inside. Forgive me for my English, I translated from Google-translator.
Hello, thanks for taking the time to let us know this isn't fixed, can you get in contact with Aidoneus on discord like he said in the message above ^, Thanks Re-opening this thread
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Hello @Misco, @SrEscroto, as we haven't heard from you in a while, I'm going to assume your issue is solved, as this is the case I'm going to mark this thread as solved. If your issue isn't solved, please reply here and we will re-open this thread. Regards Twisty, MyM Administration
Unfortunately the problem is not solved. I wrote to the Aidoneus in a discord, but he never answered me. I do not even know what to do now. Maybe you can get in touch with him and ask to remove my tardis?
@Misco Do you want your tardis completely removed? if so, i can come remove it for you, this may mean that you lose all your items in your tardis. Let us know!
Yes, yes, I want my tardis to be completely removed along with my things in it. There by the way there is nothing, I just created it and did not have time to move there. When can you delete my tardis?) p/s Only do not delete my island.
You will laugh. After removing the tardis, I waited until the server was restarted and created a new key for the tardis. Then i am activated it and called the tardis door. The door appeared, but also remained locked, I could not open it as before ...
Hi there, sorry for the inconvience, I think i have unlocked your tardis door for you. Let me know if that worked