I'm not at home so can't double check but it doesn't seem OpenPeripheral Core mod is on. At least when I tried to wrap an EnderQuarry last night it wasn't working. Can we get this as it's only required server side?
Right. I am going by The Dark Trilogy - Public Modpack Listings - Feed The Beast which also shows it missing. Reviewing OpenMods shows it just needs to be added to server. I meant to add [REQUEST] to title as this is a request to add. Sorry for the confusion.
Wow, not sure how I missed that. Saw OpenBlocks in the mod list and assumed they all were updated. I'll try it out in single player tonight. If it does work or is updated any chance of it being allowed? Edit: I can't view the link at work as port 8080 is blocked. Will look at it tonight.
That is a bummer if they switched it to requiring a client mod. The whole point of them breaking it in to pieces was for one part to be required server, with optional client piece. I'll play with it on a test box and see if I can figure out why it's rejecting. Thanks for looking for in to it!
they probably forgot to add the 1.7 code for it allowing connections without client mod. Code: @Mod(modid = "@NAME@", name = "@NAME@", version = "@VERSION@.@BUILD_NUMBER@", acceptableRemoteVersions = "*") Code: acceptableRemoteVersions = "*"
Just for reproduction purposes... What mods did you add? Both OpenPeripheralCore and OpenPeripheralIntegration?
Nice catch. Both mods have the same issue. @Mod(modid = ModInfo.ID, name = ModInfo.NAME, version = ModInfo.VERSION, dependencies = ModInfo.DEPENDENCIES)[DOUBLEPOST=1418683805,1418677547][/DOUBLEPOST]Home now...working on compiling it with the acceptableRemoteVersions = "*" flag set to see if it works.
Re-compiled with client version ignored. Can't test beyond being able to connect now as my dev server is acting up.[DOUBLEPOST=1418762946][/DOUBLEPOST]Any chance you got a chance to test this? Going to try and get it on my dev server tonight to test but wanted to see if you had a chance yet.[DOUBLEPOST=1418777188,1418762946][/DOUBLEPOST]Tested on my dev server and it's working great![DOUBLEPOST=1418777194][/DOUBLEPOST]Tested on my dev server and it's working great!