I cant figure out how the existence burner - existence pylon - crop grower chain works. Anyone got a quick guide on that?
An amazing expansion mod for TC, we originally planned it for DIE as well, but after 6 months and maybe 2 updates in that time and the incredibly slow bug fixes by the dev we scraped it. I hope the new dev keeps up the ideas but is faster with fixes for you, it's a perfect addition for your pack. (saying all that, I have no input on your question, sorry buddy ) Just kind of a heads up.
oh. sorry about that! let me try finding some stuff on it later.[DOUBLEPOST=1442412427][/DOUBLEPOST]tc wiki says it only has thaumcraft support rn
So this is what I have discovered/inferred/whatevered about these items from testing/snooping on GitHub. Existence Burner: Haven't found a purpose but seems to continuously consume existence. Don't know why you would want that but whatever. Existence Pylon: Extends the range of the Fountain. Fountain has a radius of 2 by default and the pylon has a radius of 7. The different tiers transfer different amounts of existence per second. Existence Fertiliser: From what I read on GitHub it's supposed to accelerate crop growth on any plant within a 5 block radius however it does not seem do work atm.
Well, the burner kills creatures and makes existence ... thats how far i got. but no idea how to get it out or into the fertiliser...
I haven't gotten the fertilizer to work but with the harvester it works. You need the burner to be full, a pylon near it and the harvester somewhere. Once its full it'll harvest 1 crop and then have to be filled again.
hey thanks and ... wow thats underwhelming, think ill just delete the questline instead of letting the player make useless stuff xD