Hi guys, I'm playing on AG3 atm, when it comes to like 30 ppl online it gets unplayable. I'm confident there's no fault on my side. I tend to run ping on, say, google.com and ag3 IP adress and ping is steady (35-ish). When you type /tps in, it shows 6-8. Mining, building, doin anything is a pain Any chance to get some more server resources to our beloved AG servers? Cheers. (BenS1337 - Edited due to language)
Ben, could you PM me what he actually was typing in the post, as I can see you have edited it Just curious. And regarding the question, I would recommend that if you arent anywhere near end-game yet, and if you dont trade at all with other players - move to AG1 as there are 10 people on at max, i play on Ag2 and when there is 30-40 people on there isnt any lag what so ever and tps is at 20 (atleast it was yesterday)
Unless you know a time machine and can bring us cpus from the future there is nothing we can do (giving it more resources). The bottleneck is the cpu usage. We already use E3-1270v3 CPUs.. PassMark CPU Benchmarks - Single Thread Performance
No idea what was wrong with my post tbh :-o @kriss0612 Sadly I'm kinda advanced already, been thinking aobut it myself @Slind14 I wish I could man ;-) Thanks for reply tho.
I would say that neither is a option that would satisfy everyone, especially the second one. And I bet that running 4 Agrarian Servers isnt really the cheapest thing in the world either :/ I guess that creating a A4 server is going to be a must when the player count reaches a point where there is min 30 players on each server, at that point 3 just wont cut it.
Which will be never since it's pretty standard that AG3's like 30 ppl, AG2, say, 15-20 and AG1 is 5-10. No worries. I'm taking what you give me. I just hoped there is an easy way to get rid of it Keep up the good work guys. Cheers