Implemented Thaumcraft Golems Use Core

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by RacoonWolf, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. RacoonWolf

    RacoonWolf Patron Tier 2

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    6:04 PM
    As near as i can tell from my testing this seems completely nonfunctional on the server (does not matter if i try it in my claim or out). The golem continually trys to place the item even making repeated item placing sounds but is not able too. This is really odd because it works perfectly fine from my testing in a single player world so the mod should not be to fault.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:04 AM
    That's the fakeplayer of the mod who has no permissions. I already have asked the devolper of thaumcraft about the name of the fakeplayer that I can allow the placemant but it is not working.
    I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do.
  3. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    i found this: FakeThaumcraftGolem and FakeThaumcraftBore
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    than you can try to trust these fakeplayers in these [] brackets.

    e.g. /trust [FakeThaumcraftGolem]
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I already tried both names with no result but you can try it again if you want.
  6. RacoonWolf

    RacoonWolf Patron Tier 2

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    6:04 PM
    The golems do not seem to work outside player either claims either so i don't think trusting the fakeplayer is the solution. Any idea why it would not work outside of claims?[DOUBLEPOST=1393573581,1393555748][/DOUBLEPOST]Had a Thought or idea as to what may be going on. I can't recall if it was this server or a previous one been a while since i started on this server. but do we have to /acceptrules in order to start building anything here. If that is the case that might be what is preventing the golems from working, since as i understand it the golems function by emulating a player account. So if that account is not flagged as allowed by the server it can't do anything. Perhaps the fake thaumcraft player used by the golems requires admin permissions even.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:04 AM
    Ahh, acceptrules true. That is the issue here, the plugin has no bypass permission that's why nothing has been changed after the fakeplayer got every permission.
    I wonder why I don't need to add the cofh fakeplayer to the acceptrules that he work. However it works now and you don't need to trust the fakeplayer ;)
  8. RacoonWolf

    RacoonWolf Patron Tier 2

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    That is awesome news those golems were the key to a big and important part of the Adventure dungeon I am planning. Namely the ability to create Utility mob golems in a automated fashion. Thx[DOUBLEPOST=1393596757,1393591091][/DOUBLEPOST]I spoke too soon it seems. Got home and tried the use golem still will not work for me inside or outside of a claim. I wonder what i am doing different. It might be a matter of player permissions vs mod permissions
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Hm, if you want you can show me it and maybe a other player can try it too.
  10. RacoonWolf

    RacoonWolf Patron Tier 2

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    6:04 PM
    While the golems seem to be working just fine for me. Should mention tonight a friend was having trouble getting them to work in his claim. Adding the fakeplayer to his trust list cleared it up just fine. So that is a useful thing to rember. For some reason it works without the fakeplayer in my trust list for me.

    Guess i am posting this largely so that anyone who has the problem can see this
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:04 AM
    which fakeplayer did you trust ?
  12. RacoonWolf

    RacoonWolf Patron Tier 2

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    6:04 PM
    I had my friend use /trust [FakeThaumcraftGolem][DOUBLEPOST=1394212419,1394195375][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh so that is why. Seems i was mistaken about my trust list. had some claims with [minecraft] and others without i was only looking at the ones without and since i found out the golems did not work in the claims without. So yeah you do need to trust the fakeplayer to get these to work in a claim. Why [minecraft] works the same as [FakeThaumcraftGolem] i am not sure.

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