The creepiest of pastas

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by alfiealfie, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    As the title suggests, I want links to the creepiest of the creepy pastas or troll user of troll pastas you can find, whoever gets the best in either category gets

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  2. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    3:44 AM
    The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as "Lavender Town Tone" or "Lavender Town Suicides") was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27th, 1996.

    Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached Lavender Town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear, since their ears are more sensitive.

    Due to the Lavender Tone, at least two-hundred children supposedly committed suicide, and many more developed illnesses and afflictions. The children who committed suicide usually did so by hanging or jumping from heights. Those who did not acted irrationally complained of severe headaches after listening to Lavender Town's theme.

    Although Lavender Town now sounds differently depending on the game, this mass hysteria was caused by the first Pokémon game released. After the Lavender Tone incident, the programmers had fixed Lavender Town's theme music to be at a lower frequency, and since children were no longer affected by it.

    One video appeared in 2010 using ”special software" to analyze the audio of Lavender Town's music. When played, the software created images of the Unown near the end of the audio. This raised a controversy, since the Unown didn't appear until the Generation 2 games: Silver, Gold, and Crystal. The Unown translate to "LEAVE NOW".
    alfiealfie likes this.
  3. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Once reaching the top floor of Lavender Town tower, the following conversation would have taken place.

    Buried Alive: You're... Here.
    BA: I'm trapped...
    BA: And I'm lonely...
    BA: So very lonely...
    BA: Won't you join me?

    After this, the battle would have been initiated. Once in "battle view", the Buried Alive model appears to be a decaying human corpse attempting to crawl out of the ground. It has been programmed to have two White Hands, a Gengar, and a Muk.

    Strangely enough, a protocol for the Buried Alive's actions after it was defeated were not written.

    In the case of the player defeating him, the game would freeze. However, a specific ending was written by an unknown programmer upon losing the battle. In this ending, the Buried Alive was to have stated, "Finally, fresh meat!" followed by several lines of gibberish.

    He was to have then dragged the player character into the ground surrounding him. The scene would finish with a typical "Game Over" screen; however, in the background, an image of the Buried Alive character devouring the player was to have been shown.

    Especially strange are the protocols for after this scene. The cartridge was to download this image to the small internal memory contained in the Game Boy, overwriting the title screen that normally accompanied a Game Boy turning on. Instead, whenever it was started, the player would view this image as the sound file staticmesh.wav was played.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
    alfiealfie likes this.
  4. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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  5. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    purples one, just creepy

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