The difference between noob and newb?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by vyryn, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    9:45 AM
    Noob is a censored word on Mym servers. This makes sense, as it is a derogatory term.
    Newb is not censored on Mym servers. This also makes sense, as it is not a derrogatory term.
    Recently, I was in a discussion with a moderator who said that newb should not be used as it is a "chat bypass" for noob. This would make sense, if newb didn't have a meaning of it's own, that is totally different from the way noob is used.
    To elucidate, I offer this concise summary.
    The source for this summary is below:
    Is There A Difference Between Noob and Newb | The NeverNoob

    Since newb has a very different meaning, I posit that it should not be considered a chat bypass for noob. After all, no one, including this moderator, would consider "truck" a chat bypass for a certain other word I'm sure you can guess.
    Therefore, the word newb should be allowed in general usage on servers as a descriptive, even endearing word, rather than saying
    "I'm helping a player who is new to the server and eager to learn, learn the modpack"
    it makes more sense to say
    "I'm helping a newb learn the modpack"

    Of course, there may be times when someone previously stymied by the chat filter may resort to a similar sounding word to attempt to bypass it, but this should be obvious and at the moderator's discretion; after all, even truck can be used as a chat bypass in some cases:
    "This mother trucker is standing in my house and won't go away!"
  2. nwilki01

    nwilki01 Well-Known Member

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    8:45 AM
    I agree
  3. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    7:45 AM
    I do not agree. I would first like to say the word "Noob" is censored on MYM for a reason. It can be used in a derogatory way to put some players down. Next another commonly way players call someone a noob is newb. I know they have differently meanings but most people will use newb the same way as noob. If I was a staff member I also would have saw this as a chat bypass as well.
  4. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    3:45 PM
    perfect example of 'this is why we can't have nice things'
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:45 AM
    Newb is short for Newbie which is why it is not flagged as a derogatory word, as long as you aren't using it in a derogatory manner to bypass the filter all is well, though everyone has their own level of sensitivity to things, if a mod tells you not to use it then listen to the moderator.
    Timmypwn and mrminesheeps like this.

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