Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is having lovely weather Weekly Top Voters: Congratulations to our top voters for last week, your rewards have been sent off already. = LordEreh = Fortunata = GrimPsych If you would like to learn what the rewards are for being a top weekly, or monthly voter, you can check those out on our Wiki. Management Team Announcements: Want to help out on our server? Then join our staff team! You can fill out an application here. We are also looking for builders. Each new server gets a custom spawn and would like your help making them and potentially new event builds. Each build you do can gain you a special rank title! You can fill out an application for that here. Threads to Watch: -Server Status Page here -Claim plugin update inf0 here -Network Status Update 2023 here -Migrate to Microsoft deadline here -Disabling refined storage mod Here -Whitelisting servers reason Here Admin Corner: Below is a list of new changes that our hard working admins have done this week. Global Fixed a bug where the /tell command wasn't being registered correctly causing client disconnects at times All the Mods: Volcanoblock] Removed Infinity Nuke from the crafting recipe for the Pulsating Black Hole Removed the Heat Generator quest as the pack has the recipe disabled Added Powah mod to the Carryon blacklist as it causes issues for people picking up those blocks Added items from the Domum Ornamentum mod to the Building Gadgets blacklist as it causes client crashes Added a crafting recipe for the nitro battery when fully charged to fix an nbt issue with crafting the Improbable Probability Device Added another crafting recipe as well for the Improbable Probability Device using those weird nbt batteries to give you another option if needed Updated pack to version 1.0.1 (Changelog) Fixed a couple of missed config changes on update Added recipes for the missing mini portals for now until the pack developers add them properly. See Recipes Spoiler Clean up some script files Added a recipe for the Creative Blaze Cake with the next server restart Extended Mark2 timeout to prevent random restarts All the Mods 8 Reset server Restored backpacks Outro That’s all for this update, happy gaming~