Done Tick Rates

Discussion in 'Civilization' started by aero_c, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. aero_c

    aero_c Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:01 PM
    I have a bunch of questions about tick rates/chunk loading.

    1. Does \tps only relate to the chunk you're standing in?
    2. What is the relative tps of the neighboring chunks (neighboring relative to the one you're standing in)?
    3. How far out do any chunks receive ticks when you're online?
    4. Are there any circumstances where a chunk's tile entities will receive fewer ticks than /tps shows (maybe due to having a large number of tile entities within the chunk)?

    I set up a Gold chunkloader in a 1x1 chunk today to load endermen via 4 Tablets of Necromancy (they should be subsequently pistoned off onto a spike and killed, and looted by a hopperhock; all these things are contained well within that single chunk; the chunk is cleared to bedrock and there are no other entities or tile entities of any kind within the chunk), so I should spawn 4 endermen every 30-45 seconds. I logged off and came back ~10 hours later only to see that maybe 20-25 endermen had been spawned and looted over that 10 hour span at the cost of around 10,000 tickets. So clearly something is limiting the endermen from spawning despite the claim that the chunk was loaded.

    1. Are all tile entities receiving ticks with chunk loaders, or is there some kind of whitelist?
    2. What is the tick rate of chunk loaders (especially when no player is present)?
    3. Do global mob counts affect mob spawning in chunk-loaded chunks?
    4. Do mobs and tile entities receive ticks differently?
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:01 PM
    1. Tps is server not chunks
    2. Answered in 1
    3. The chunk u are in is at full /tps speed the rest slowdown
    4. Shouldnt

    1b.see 4a
    2b. They tick at tps for offline loaders while offline online loaders tick at tps when the player is on
    3b.i think so but those limits ar3 high
    4b. Technically yes but for what u want to know about then no.
  3. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:01 AM
    1. Does \tps only relate to the chunk you're standing in?
    A: the command shows the overall tick rate of the whole server

    2. What is the relative tps of the neighboring chunks (neighboring relative to the one you're standing in)?
    A: the actively loaded chunks should be ticking the same as /tps. If you dont have chunkloaders for more chunks all other chunks despite the one you are standing in are running only at ~20% tick rate

    3. How far out do any chunks receive ticks when you're online?
    A: Depends on your view distance range and how far the server provides loading chunks usually around 10 chunks in each direction

    4. Are there any circumstances where a chunk's tile entities will receive fewer ticks than /tps shows (maybe due to having a large number of tile entities within the chunk)?
    A: If the server needs alot more time to calculate everything for your chunk it will slow down the whole server -> overall tps will slow down and the chunk too

    1. Are all tile entities receiving ticks with chunk loaders, or is there some kind of whitelist?
    A:Everything will be loaded as a player would be in every chunk

    2. What is the tick rate of chunk loaders (especially when no player is present)?
    A: tick rate? always the same as /tps

    3. Do global mob counts affect mob spawning in chunk-loaded chunks?
    A: global mob counts doesnt affect mob spawning but mods in a 3x3 chunk range can limit your spawning it around 20-40 mobs depends if hostile or friendly.

    4. Do mobs and tile entities receive ticks differently?
    A: Nope

    If you still have question feel free to open a new post. Have a nice day
    matijase likes this.

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