Today I made a TC Glove to speed my harvesting but when I was opening the Tool Forge to put the redstone as upgrade, as soon as I picked up the glove my game crashed. I tested this is many ways, Tool Forge, Crafting Bench next to Tool Forge, shift-rightclick etc... And My conclusion was that the moment before the glove goes in it crashes and I don't know why exactly. I just hope this can be fixed since the glove is a nice item to have Thank you for reading All_Mighty_POWA
Did you craft a second glove, to make sure it wasn't something corrupted with the first?[DOUBLEPOST=1449689700,1449689530][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, there are a few bug reports on this sort of thing happening with the gloves...This being a client side issue, there isn't a whole lot we can do to fix it - You'll probably have to end up waiting for the mod dev's to fix their code [DOUBLEPOST=1449689923][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually, nevermind. @BookerTheGeek : I see you have a boatload of script fixes on the FTB forums - you probably know more about this issue than i do
i have had the same problem i also tested in single play from what i understand it is a mod bug that the developer is aware of and has fixed in latest beta version
I thought I had already put that on the server, I get it up as soon as I test and make sure it fixes the issue. Thank you for the report. Tinkers Report Easy Mode = No Issue Expert Mode = No Issue Looks Like FTB implement the fix last update.