Done Tinker's construct lag

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by AwesomeJames2120, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. AwesomeJames2120

    AwesomeJames2120 Member

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    Local Time:
    8:57 AM
    There appears to be a large amount of lag, concerning the tinkers' construct smelter. Upon trying to cast a block, an ingot, etc. there is a large amount of lag involved, and you often have to spam the right click in order to get it out, as it often won't stop turning back into liquid, then solid, and back again. I have tried doing this on infinity 5, and it appeared to work flawlessly, with practically no lag what-so-ever.

    In short, please fix this horrifyingly annoying bug, so i can make my blocks and such without having a rage induced fit.
  2. AwesomeJames2120

    AwesomeJames2120 Member

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    8:57 AM
    Also, often upon breaking a block, it reapears, causing me to have to break it again. This is annoying and must be fixed
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:57 PM
    It's a general TPS issue, nearly impossible to fix as with the number of players, how old the server is, and how laggy the modpack is in general there would be low tps
  4. AwesomeJames2120

    AwesomeJames2120 Member

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    Local Time:
    8:57 AM
    Eh, thats fine then. Guess i'll just have to grin and bare with it.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    4:57 PM
    Chugga nailed it on the head, the server tps is running slightly behind were we would like it, but with the population boom on the server it is to be expected and since it hasn't dipped to levels where there is clearly something awry yet there's no huge pressure release for it yet. Have no fear we will continue to monitor the situation on the server.

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