Me and @McDomo69 are trying to build a Dino Park. This seems to be only possible, to have two full grown dino of each kind, and have one put into an auto-spawner, so that when another Tornado comes around, we won't have to start over again. I am asking for tornados to be turned off. -Connor
They're enabled, but they don't harm anything. Cover up the dinosaurs, and the Tornados will not affect anything. They cannot grief, they can only kill mobs by sucking them up into the air.
They are enabled but stupidly rare, in my hole time on MYM i've only seen 1 and it was because I tp'd to someone
the likely hood of another tornado hitting the dino park is really low so i wouldnt really worry about it. and even if another one does it will be a long time from now
I was letting him know that they do not grief, and then I quoted my previous post that he must have forgotten/ignored.