Both the Ultimate Solar Helmet and the Hybrid Solar Helmet will not craft. I have given many people the items to make it and they couldn't (They all gave the items back). I have even asked a mod to try to craft it for me (GAsplund). HE1ENxKE11ER2 -Node 3
Known issue. Try this to fix it: - Fully charge it (durability will say 26/27) - Use a Thaumic Restorer from Thaumic Tinker to repair the final durability (27/27) - Try the crafting recipe. This will work
Odd. I fully charge mine and it says 27/27 durability, still has a :1 extra data though. Not tried the thaumic restorer.
Might be a client sided config, to say 1/27 instead of 0/27, in which case a full repair would be 28/27.
Sorry, was wrong about that, idk glitch or something. Either way, the thaumic restorer doesnt work. Ive pumped hundreds of instrumentum into it...and did test in sp where i dumped thousands. Put repair II on it via creative as well. Some of the recipes have just weird negative durability helmets listed (in single player at least). Could we setup some way of maybe trading the items in to get whats supposed to be craftable? Related link: Why can't I craft a Nano Helmet? : feedthebeast