Apparently it looks like configuration of plug-ins is still not finished on vanilla 1.16 server. Things that work on 1.12 and I have access to it says I don’t have permission to use Like /money /enchant /anvil, all my other premium rank commands seem to work, also don’t know if this is intentional but creepers and Enderman can destroy unclaimed terrain where is that is disabled on all the modded servers.
We are not running with full plugins like our 1.12 and below servers. 1.16 is highly experimental, and some plugins we do have are not even running a 1.16 version. To get around /money not working, if you do /buyclaimblocks and do not put in a value, it will tell you how much you have. Likewise, /menu does not work. It is known and intentional that mobgrief is only disabled inside claims.