Implemented Very bad customer service.

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by cbrozak, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    4:31 PM
    I would just like to start off by saying, I have very happy with this server up until now. So much so this is the first time I have EVER donated to a server. I donated because I feel as if the owner deserved some compensation for the effort he/she/they have put into the enjoyment and entertainment I have been having.

    That being said I am extremely disappointed how this reset situation was handled. There was absolutely no heads up about a spawn world reset, only a farm world reset. Huge surprise when logging on to find this out. No warning, no information, nothing. I finally come to the realization that the build map has been reset. I have a little frustration build inside me but I'm ok with it, just a little frustration about how much time and effort I have put in the past couple days in my old 'house' and wouldn't have if I new a build map reset was coming so soon. I do understand in this particular situation (beta pack) that a reset is eminent, and I am ok with it. I have no remorse towards anyone or anything in particular at this point in my logging into this surprise. I wander off to find a place to rebuild an empire again. I pull out my golden shovel to claim my blocks and all the claim blocks I have accrued are gone. I notice someone else is mentioning the same thing and we are piggybacking off of each other with the same idea that server loyalty and dedication should NOT be reset with a map reset. I have logged over 3 days play time in the past week and a half on this server alone and all of that has been wiped clean, you can see my very frustrated surprise to this new information. Again, I am ok with everything being reset, but I am not ok with resetting customer loyalty. example:

    Reward punch card at the car dealership. "Buy 10 cars get a Ferrari for free." You buy 9 cars and are one car away from satisfaction. You show up the next day to purchase your last car and they say, "Who are you? This punch card is invalid because we stopped punching this type of card an hour ago, but feel free to take a new punch card and work your way starting at your first purchase again. Not only that, your old car? It's ours again now, we did warn you about that, it says so on the back of your old punch card."

    Whether you view it this way or not. You provide a service and I am the consumer. I have a right to ask why this is the way it has to happen. I asked 3 times and the first two times my answer was, "Because I said so." or "Because it's a reset." which doesn't tell me anything about customer loyalty. The third time, not only did I get no response but I got muted from the chat channel. Again, example:

    Customer: "Can I ask why I can't get a brochure on this item that I am extremely interested in?"
    Employee: "Because I don't feel like it."
    Customer: "I am only asking why, I will probably buy it anyway, I would just like a little more information about it is all."
    Employee: "Dude, chill out, I am not the owner of this place and I am going to pretend like I know all of everything of what you are asking but refuse to respond because I really don't feel like finding the brochure."
    Customer: "If you could just tickle my ear and tell me why you are treating me this way or just be honest about what is really going on I would truly appreciate it."
    Employee: "You are out of here, your voice box? It annoys me, I'll take it from you, thanks. See ya."

    I hope you understand how frustrating it is for a customer to get not only ignored but muted while all he/she wants is information about reasoning or compensation. I would like to say I hope I am the only one that gets treated this bad as a donating customer, unfortunately I don't think that is true.

    If I was being immature and was rude about asking I would understand. But I have paid, voluntarily, I was rational and logical and I still get treated as if I was unreasonable. If I knew it was an option, I would ask for a refund for my donation.

    Also, I just want to add; If anyone did take my questioning as personally offensive , I truly do apologize. I, in no way, intended on offending anyone with my questions about the services I was receiving. I am very sorry if you were/are offended.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:31 PM
    Hey @cbrozak,

    first of, thank you that you write to us that friendly and in that length, that shows me that you like the server and would like to help make it better instead of just leaving. I fully understand your points and frustration and would like to point some arguements and infromation why.. out, if that is fine for you.

    I was not intended to reset the server at all. I mean, its not easy to bring me to reset a server, I always see it from the players site and not the business man´s. I made some testing before and updated a testserver which worked fine so far. I knew magic farm would reset and got confirmed. Overall I did not see any of the other issues we got today. I checked everything FTB said in their update notes and it was manageable, but FTB did not test it themselfs or did not write about a lot of other things.
    Howerever SirWilli and me transferd the horizons server to its own box and updated it the latest version and resettet the farmworlds. Logged in ran around and besides some Rotarycraft spam and Spam in console everything was fine. It was no problem to solve these two issues. As soon as we let players join we noticed a lot of things, for example, chests turned into ores, houses got blocks which are not there any more (if you click on them you crash), armour disappeared or changed.. This was all manageable with a lot of work I was fine to take. But with starting to fix these issues more and more probles accured which we can not solve without deleting whole systems, which is like a reset for some players. Furthermore a lot of players could not connect because if a corrupted nbt data... Well there is much more but thats not the point of your statement. I just want to give you an overview how things went and hopefully you understand why we acted like we did.

    So after this, I only saw two options, first we go back to 1.0.13 as of course I have a backup or we do a reset. We talked about this for a very long time in the staff channel and came to the conclusion, we have to reset anyway when we update. FTB will push the 2.x builds to recommended soon and we "have to" update (downgrading in the ftb launcher is bugged). We already talked about a reset as soon as FTB launches a stable build (to be honest 2.0.1 is still not stable as ftb marks it stable if the second number isn´t 0)... So I thought, better loose your achievements now than in a few weeks with annoncement and waiting for the reset. As I know from experience 40% of the players loose the fun on playing when a reset is announce and push us to make the reset. But I have to admit it wasn´t an easy decision for me and it took me while to cut it down though all people I asked said, make the reset, better now than next week (not only staff).

    As the server was already down for more than an hour and players wanted to play, we made a quick reset by just deleting the world and resetting the plugins. There were not many thoughts about it. <-- bring it up real quick that players can go on playing. Btw. I had to delete the claims as the function wich deletes old claims of inactive players doesn´t work. The problem with claimblocks is this: you only get them back if you abandon your claims, which doesn´t work if they are gone (as far as I know, not tested, but we had issues with a server reset in the past and keeping griefprevention claimblocks). The money, the market and mcmmo had to be reset of course, as it would make the start very unbalanced.

    According to your examples with the rewards for customer binding, I have to admit your are right, but a shor information about it. I don´t know from which culture you are. For me in germany the concept with buy 3 get 1 free, collect points... is not that popular as in the us. Of course we copy it and see that you can make easy profit by keeping your customers but on the other side we also talk critical about it and a lot of people often complain about it. I don´t want to argue at this point, just give you a small cultural information. I did not thought about the whole point, at the time. Still rember we are not a profit oriented company with paid employees.

    To the reaction from the stuff you got to your questions I can´t say much as I wasn´t there. But consider the fact, that they get asked the same question over and over again and it is not possible to answer it with one sentence and they try to make the unexpected the reset as smooth as possible. A lot of people asking the same question over and over again which you don´t know how to answer can be very annoying even if the question was very friendly. I´m not taking any position here, just pointing out what I think to be in their situation. It is even for me not easy to explain why and so on quickly in the chat altough I know best why.

    If it would have been a planend reset I would have wrote a post explaining why.. as we did with the world move and we could just send the link to it. Well now we can send the link of this topic.

    As a small hug, we did not reset the global ontime and are planning since the beginning to add titles according to the players ontime as we had it before on our ultimate server. For example 6 hours ontime = farmer | 6 days ontime = king.. This is planned since the beginning but we did not find the time to add it yet.
  3. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    4:31 PM

    Thank you very much for your response, and for being personable. All of that makes sense to me and I understand, I apologize for overreacting. I think I was mostly upset that I was muted without reason, or even a warning.

    Thank you also for taking your time to respond. I truly appreciate it. You are running a wonderful server. I spent a couple hours looking for a new server (in anticipation of no response) and am just unable to find one as good as this one. Thank you again.
    SirWill likes this.

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