Vote Tokens

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Medievalclown9, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Medievalclown9

    Medievalclown9 Well-Known Member

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    When can we expect something useful being added for the vote tokens? I remember when you used to get claim blocks and a random item and didnt need this vote token junk. I dont mind the new set up but the things you can purchase are, well useless and overpriced. I would really like to see something useful added or it go back to the old way it was. I like to vote to help the server but I also like something in return and currently I have a bunch of vote tokens with nothing to do with.

    My honest opinin is to get the random item selection working or go back to the old system. This one is very lacking.
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    you can get more myms now 500 vs 300
    or more claimsblocks i rather like the new chunkloading system.
  3. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Random item selection I believe is on hold as we go through and find new way to make it a bit more of a nice reward. You should take a look at these two posts here and here if you have not yet.
  4. DrakeonGaming

    DrakeonGaming Well-Known Member

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    this system isnt overpriced at all how exactly is it overpriced but yeah we do need more stuff to spend it on though
  5. Crazypinecone

    Crazypinecone Well-Known Member

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    For the tokens, I see a way to buy Mym's with them but I don't see a way to buy back the tokens with Mym's. Is this a feature and I just can't find it? I've tried the /sellclaimblock - so you can buy it on another server but after selling it gives me Mym's and I don't think those transfer.
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    MyM's, Random Item (may be on hold on some servers), and Chuckload tickets are currently implemented. The idea was to have more but we've been busy. Did you have some other ideas?
    WorCannibal likes this.
  7. Crazypinecone

    Crazypinecone Well-Known Member

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    So you can't buy tokens with Mym's? I was trying to get my tokens back so i could move to a server with less people.

    I have some money sink ideas though. You could tax the market/auction house 10% and 1 Mym for anything under 10 Mym's. Start a 50/50 lottery drawing - ticket prices are $$ amount of tokens or Mym's. Other forms of gambling – house always wins. Increase the price for land. Greater number of starter packs/decoration packs. Put limits on the creation of lag creating items and have to use money to increase your amount - like AE2 systems, let them only have ## number of devices connected and if they want to increase it the by the rights to more.

    Not sure if it’s part of this modpack but you could sell pre built house designs. So they would by the special block for that house and then when they place it, the house would appear right in front of them. The pre built could be anything from a hut to a mega mansion. Also allowing people to build cities out of those houses.
    newabcd likes this.
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Already implemented
    There already are some limits on things like this
    I could see that making it even more laggy
  9. Crazypinecone

    Crazypinecone Well-Known Member

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    Any positives or just negatives to my ideas?

    Why no to the increase in land price? I think that would be the best money sink. Not a set price but an increasing one after buying so many blocks since the current system allows you to buy 500 blocks every day (50 vote tokens or 500 Mym's). Example: for every 500 blocks you buy increase the cost by 10% then the first 7 buys would be 50, 55, 61, 67, 74, 81, 99 tokens instead of the strait 50 each day and the price would increase causing people to spend the money they hoard if they want more land.
  10. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea for a hard core economy server, however the idea now is to allow players to claim their base. We don't want people to put in all that hard work, get griefed, then lose it all.

    There was talk of a hard core economy server, however we just don't have enough man power for all these ideas. There are so many good ones out there.
  11. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    imho the claim price is fair as it is.

    actually not possible, but i would like to see that, too.
  12. Flying_Toaster87

    Flying_Toaster87 Well-Known Member

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    Personally I think we don't start with enough claim blocks, I've seen that complaint a few times recently on infinity. I think the system for voting for more is fine, just 100 is a bit small to start with.
  13. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    well, they get +500 when voting

    giving more blocks at start might lead to bigger claims of ppl who never come back to play.
    Saint_Ceadda likes this.
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Like 100 is 10x10 and 600 is a 30x 20 base like how big are you planning on making it jees
  15. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Start blocks plus first votes should give way more than enough for your base the first day. But I'd love to hear alternatives or a view that I don't see.
  16. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I see no reason to increase those start blocks. Voting gives you about 2 chunks each day. And that is just if you are playing alone.
    Increasing the start blocks would also make the additional claim blocks you get as donator questionable and those would need to be increased too.

    Usually MyMs and claim blocks are bound to a server, while tokens are not. That's why changing MyMs back to token does not work. It would be too easy to finance a large chunkloaded area with MyMs you earned. Also you could unclaim your whole area at the end of a server, transfer it all to token and start on a different server with an even larger claim.
    Basically all servers you start fresh with the low amount of blocks, that's why mym-> tokens or claimblocks->token is disabled.

    Just putting everything back to Tokens and take it to the next server would crash the whole token thing entirely. Why should someone even get a T5 with the 2500 starter claimblocks (which he can get with 5 days voting anyway), if he could just use the hundred thousands of claimblocks he has from an older server. (Besides from feeling good about donating to MyM of course :p )
    Also people would just go crazy and claim stuff everywhere.
    King_Cronus and ben_mkiv like this.
  17. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    While i do agree with your statement i must bring up and issue that i have come across earlier i my self love to build big structures in big open areas and have successfully done so on ftb infinity where i have built wonderful buildings in my kingdom for others to live with but my issue is that those who want to build giant cities or kingdoms are prone to being griefed due to a significant lack of claims blocks weather they vote or not
  18. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    i don't see a big problem there, got 77k claimblocks so far, most of them by selling stuff on market.

    Also if someone joins your town it would be fair if he gives you some myms to get more blocks.

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