Done Wand of Animation Fail

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by LLitaTroll, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    12:07 PM
    I know this is a long shot, but I'm hoping for help restoring a lost rod of animation. I spend a week crafting up to it on PO2 - Kappa, only to realize that the featured use of it: animation blocks to spawn them in autospawners, is disabled on the server side.

    After figuring out how to repair it after a couple uses, it still consumed the entire thing with a single "shift-click" whilst creating vibrantium blocks. It was my mistake, but this just feels unnecessarily punitive. The thing takes forever to get, and now you have to use it's durability in risky ways because the animated block spawn in disabled.

    Losing it is agony after taking over a week to make all the singularities and infinity catalysts. Help? Take pity?
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:07 AM
    Because it will cause the server to crash

    The ability to use the durability, I actually spent a long time setting up.

    I am sorry you lost your wand, however let me direct you to MyM's No Refund policy, and hopefully next time you do not Shift click the blocks the first time you craft something.
  3. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    12:07 PM
    Using auto-spawners to spawn mobs will cause the servers to crash? Weird, and not really credible.

    Yeah. I figured "see the policy" would be the response. Given the complexity of all the mod interactions, and the difficulty of maintaining servers with a large community, I understand the reasons for the policy.

    That said, given the frequency of bugs and crashes when going deep into packs like this (I think I crashed the server over 10 times just trying to test out different production mechanics as part of building up to the singularities/animation wand.) including unknown server-side disabled capabilities... maybe it just makes more sense to play these deeper/harder packs in single player on on our own hosted multiplayer, so that when things like this happen they can be corrected without ruining weeks of the experience.[DOUBLEPOST=1488660229,1488658423][/DOUBLEPOST]Couple other thoughts:

    1. This notion that I should have been more careful: What is the standard way to be careful around things like this? Test in single player? I did that. These server side customizations are not testable in single player, so I couldn't predict that the wand would have only 64 durability. my tests in single player with mob spawners are what led me to pursue the wand in the first place.

    2. Don't shift click? You customized a behavior that violates all the UI conventions around shift-click. The reasonable expectation is that a shift-click will yield a stack. For this recipe, a stack would have been 8 uses, 8 durability. Instead a single shift click yielded 8 stacks, and used all durability.

    3. Finally, I believe the "no refunds" policy is designed to protect against "I died, can I get stuff" type of behavior that would take a lot of time from server administrators. This specific case can only come up after weeks of dedicated play. A single end game item, with a problem centered around non-advertized customization? This part of the policy will only negatively impact end-game players. e.g. donators. Here, the policy hurts your core, paying player base. Like I said in my first post, it just feels overly punitive.[DOUBLEPOST=1488680268][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks for your consideration. I understand the policy and I appreciate the community support. I'll close it.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:07 AM
    Why not make the wand have 65 durability then? To prevent the siduation altogether (assuming that's why it dissapeares)
    Ah sry after reading the post more carefully that would not work

    It still maybe worth trying to solve the problem if it would not be too hard to prevent future incidents.
  5. __Shii

    __Shii Well-Known Member

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    1:07 PM
    Shift clicking is always crafting as much as possible btw. Right-clicking gives you a stack at max. They didn't change anything about this behaviour. It works like that for all crafting recipes.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I dont give a flying rats behind if you find it credible or not. You are not the one who spent days trying to figure out what was causing the server to crash. (It was a race condition that both mod authors blame on the other mod)

    As for your thoughts...
    1) learn too look at recipes and the durability they take from a tool. Also, if you created the server so many times i find that your first post being to complain instead of reposting the issue so we can hopefully fix it disturbing.

    2) shift clicking... See other post above mine.

    3) Git Gud

    Also.. Knowing the mod well enough to know about animating the blocks and auto soawning them, you would think that you would have realized that the crafting recipies were not something that normally existed, as such it had to be custom.

    On the other hand a simple forum search would have brought up the thread detailing the custom functionality of the wand.
  7. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    I went out of my way to thank the community, state that I understood the reasons for the policy, and try to offer constructive feedback... and you respond with some real vitriol and insult. "Git gud" ?

    Not sure that was warranted. Having a bad day?
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:07 AM
    Nope, I am always having a great day.

    Your "constructive" feedback was you whining.

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