Okay, so teammate accidently transfixed me, which applied paralysis as expected. However, paralysis would not count down, and teammate could no longer see me to 'undo' transfix. I was also set on fire, but took no damage, nor did hunger ever happen. (stayed full for hour we worked on this) I could see him fine. I could not interact with anything. Countdown to paralysis did not budge, until i restarted client, then it went down by one. tried that again, went down another, and third time another. but then stopped going down any further. So stuck in paralysis with 0:04 to go (was hard to read, as hitting E only brought up menu for split second) tried /home, then /spawn, which freaked out system even more, constantly moving me between originating and end point until I restarted client. Teammate also restarted his client a few times, but could never see me. He tried throwing milk at me, which would just sit at feet, firing things at me with dispenser, no effect. He did a splash wither, which did turn health grey, but never did any damage. Dug out floor under me, I did not fall. Tried teleposer, did not work. Finally summoned fallen knight, which apparently could see me, and eventually killed me (I could not hit it), resetting me back to normal, and teammate could see me after respawning finally. Not sure what the heck caused this bug, but it was pretty brutal. Not sure if it's related, but often me and teammate cannot see each other in outer lands as well. never happened anywhere else, until this happened.