Done Weird Island bug

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by eragonawesome, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. eragonawesome

    eragonawesome New Member

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    Local Time:
    10:40 PM
    I died on my friend's island (Akiehlles) and he has me trusted, but for whatever reason when I died it thought I was over benjammin999's island and said "you cannot build here" when it tried to place my gravestone. I was hoping to get my items refunded, or at least 2 of them since the rest are fairly easy to get back. I had on a dark chestplate with elytras and a level 1 unbreakable builder's wand. Everything else in my inventory I can get back easily enough that I don't need them refunded.
  2. eragonawesome

    eragonawesome New Member

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    Local Time:
    10:40 PM
    This is a screenshot of the chat message displayed when I died, the purple beam is the deathpoint, the grave behind it is one of Akiehlles' from way back. 2017-03-15_21.08.25. [DOUBLEPOST=1489627975,1489626646][/DOUBLEPOST]I wish to append my list of items, I also lost my tinker's construct sword, which had a demon ingot blade and knightslime hand guard and tool rod, along with maxed out looting and the remaining modifiers filled with nether quartz (which I have far less of than I thought I did for reproduction of the weapon) as well as my tinkers construct pickaxe which had a green slime head and knight slime everything else, also with maxed lapis as well as the diamond and emerald modifiers, sharpened using an ardite sharpening kit, which I no longer have the materials to recreate.

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