Hello. I have taken a look at some of the new packs that has been put up on mym, and I would like to know wich one of them that will fill my needs for a hone pack. Before i have played packs like: infinity, direwolf, horizons, monster. I am a big fan of tech mods and quite fan of magic mods. If there is a modpack that has EE3 in it i am sold tough i dont think we got any yet. If you feel like giving me a tip for what pack i can play please tell me what mods it is depending on like tech or magic. I would also like to know how large it is. I got a good pc so large packs are not a problem
Beam if u don't care if it's 1.6.4 I overplayed bteam and I'm on to infinity witch is like 1.7.10 bteam
he's past 1.6.4, trust me, i know him well enough he's going to play horizons for a while then move to another pack
you 6 or 7 days: me, 26days + (a bunch got counted as other player's playtimes), you played monster often? my foot
The only packs i have played is Monster, Dw20, Horizons, Ag 1, CL, Infinity. The server i played most on was monster
so you want to skip over the fact that i made the spawn for the terraria server, huh?!? huh!?!? fine, be that way, ;'(, jk, Terraria on Steam <-- now with more yo-yos!