im just posting this to know, what append to the server for it to go down like that did it get ddos'd or something? i just wana know
lol i don't get why he ddos'd a minecraft server... what is the point even ... does he gain anything? no
Yep, lots of reasons to ddos a minecraft server. MyM i consider one the most popular modded minecraft server. if we have downtime the other servers get the players we dont get while offline. more players more money. Dog eat dog world.
Some times people don't take kindly to being banned, muted, kicked, or otherwise disciplined from a server. I've seen it before on quite a few other servers, part of owning a server is dealing with people that are not yet old enough to understand there are consequences. There's no specific age either, I've known some really mature kids and really childish adults. I've never understood it myself, so you screwed up, move on with your life, learn from mistakes, maybe ask for forgiveness instead of, "Kick me outta your server!!!???, well have some of THIS!!!"