That problem occurs many times! And once again its CreativeCore mod! *angry LordEreh noises* Please apply that fix once again for 1.19 pack too.
I tested now on Mac and Windows with freshly updated launchers and java and 8GB memory for FTB Skies and I were not able to recreate the error, which is sort of a first for me as I tend to get all the errors at work. If you already had the pack installed once, I'd advice you to completely uninstall the modpack and install it again. I've had to do that for some packs lately as just updating or reinstalling the pack has somehow still managed to leave old mod files or config files behind. I have not tested this on Linux yet, but I've got a Fedora and an Ubuntu laptop hidden around here somewhere, behind a sofa pillow or similar, so the wife doesn't find it. She doesn't like me bringing work home.
Its the same problem as I had with Texkit3 a while ago - deselecting additional mod (ItemPsychic) makes the launcher dont download all the mods bc losing some dependencies afaik
Fixed via FTB Skies | MineYourMind Community Thanks for the report! There is a new mod that requires it which isn't on my list. It is added!
aawwww man... I wanted to mark it as done *sad face* Nonetheless thx for fixing it - when i reinstalled the pack WITH itempsychis pack launched but... i think i have more potato than PC so i couldnt even log in *even sadder face*