For the biting belt you need impregned lether [easy to get] golden thread [so easy to make] M. Hunger [kill a nightmare fairly easy] and a mutated silverfish but my problem is how do I get silverfish? Is the ender portal even in the playable world? Also would silverfish be endgame? Side Note: I have gone to the sprit world 2 times now and I haven't found any cotton what so ever. Could you reset the spirt world like once a week or do something? I have flew around any didn't see really any bases.
I had the same problem in regrowth with getting cotton in the spirit world, I saw 3 cotton out in the world border so I couldn't get there so I used a bucket of water and my magnetization ring, and i got it . (it was 10 blocks inside the world border so it was a bit hard to get it)
Hello Jjadned_ On the B-Team servers they currently have a end portal somewhere currently in the world were they should have silver stone bricks you could mine to spawn a silverfish And to answer your side note you could always make a suggestion that the spirit world can be reset. Thank you and have a nice day Spoiler Suggestions and Feedback | MineYourMind Community