TLDR: Red items under spoilers allow players to skip/bypass Witchery's progression system. Think of it as selling Ichor or Awakened Draconium Ingots on the market. There are just a lot more of those "tier" items in witchery While Witchery is one of the more complex magic mods and explored by far less people in comparison to the other big-name magic mods (Thaumcraft/Botania/Blood Magic). Witchery, like the other mods, has progression path. Yes. I am suggesting a lot of items. However, I tried to group them under categories, and color coded (Red) based on a priority for items that SHOULD not be traded as they fundamentally allow people to skip all the witchery progression when traded. Spirit World Items - Trading said items allow people to avoid going to the Spirit World; which a) isn't the easiest to get into. b) requires multiple trips (at least two assuming you get lucky and don't die while getting tormented twine for your dream weaver) c) Only a 50% chance for a dream, dream is required for gathering wispy cotton. Spoiler Wispy Cotton Witch's Ladder Scarecrow Trent Effigy Dream Weaver Brew of Flowing Spirit Brew of Hollow Tears Brew of Wasting Fanciful/Tormented Thread Wormwood Focused Will/Condensed Fear Congealed Spirit Circle Magic - Most of these items are your mid/end-game witchery tools. They all require various machines and steps to unlock them. Circle magic also requires a decent level of altar power. Spoiler Alluring Skull Crystal Ball Brazier Fume Filter Filter Fume Funnel Enchanted Broom Attuned Stone (Charged) Demon Heart Demonic Blood Seer Stone Mystic Branch Spectral Stone Owlet's Wing Toe of Frog Koboldite Materials - Lets just say.. Koboldite is not easy to get. You have two routes -> Hobgoblin slave miners or lots, and lots of trading with Hobgoblins. You can also only trade with them in a village. That means you have to spawn them there or transport them 1 by 1. Spoiler Statue of Hobgoblin Patron Pentacle Koboldite Dust/Nugget/Ingot Koboldite Pickaxe Twisting Headband Advanced Kettle/Cauldron Recipes - Similar to Circle Magic's reasons. Spoiler Drop of Luck Spirit of Otherwhere Infernal Animus Mystic Unguent Brew of Frogs Tongue Brew of Bodega Brew of Infection Infused Brew Base Ritual Chalk [4 types] Armor/ Boss Items - These items are essentially Witchery's versions of Draconic Armor/Ichorcloth Robes. I don't think anyone would even sell them, but still shouldn't be an item that is traded on market Spoiler Death's Hand/Armor Binky's Skull Spear of the Huntsman Bloodied Wicker Bundle Baba Yaga's Hat Leonard's Urn Soul of ___ Demon Bark Belt/Biting Belt Ruby Slippers Mog's Quiver Grug's Gurdle