I dont know if the mym staff/owners higher ups what ever they are called but i have noticed on the weekends (oddly) that at least 12 severs (i think) have been getting under 20 players a week and i mostly cheak the server status thing like daily because of beyound and how it gets filled quickly. So i dont know if anyone has considered killing the servers that havent gotten as much traffic in the last couple of month weeks really up to the owners but that my suggestion. I might be wrong and what not but im just thinking of the now kind of waste of space if you ask me to only have like 10 players go to a buggy server a week compaired to 25+ players going to a server that is stable and generaly dosent cause a pain. its up to the owners or what ever to decided have a good day now *tips hat*
We do actually "get rid" of servers that no one plays. Last "round" was in January, information here: Info - Major Server Reset, Shutdown and Downscale | MineYourMind Community
Which servers did you have on your chopping block? We do keep an eye on the population of servers and make adjustments when necessary.