Client Mods

Performance Mods 1.7.10

NOTE: These mods are not guaranteed to work with all modpacks.


  • Description: FastCraft is a sophisticated mod which improves the client and server performance significantly without any game play changes.
  • Known Incompatibilities: Forge Essentials


  • Description: FoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations.
  • Known Incompatibilities: None

Performance Mods for 1.12.2

NOTE: These mods are not guaranteed to work with all modpacks.


  • Description: FoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations.
  • Known Incompatabilites: None


  • Description: VanillaFix is a mod that improves performance and fixes bugs and annoyances in vanilla Minecraft.
  • Known Incompatibilities: Mods using outdated mixin versions.


  • Description: Phosphor is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas, the lighting engine.
  • Known Incompatibilities: Mods using outdated mixin versions.


  • Description: BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that add a few performance improvements, trying to be compatible with other mods.
  • Known Incompatibilities: None

Particle Culling

  • Description: This mod is a client-side performance enhancing mod, which stops particles that are outside the player's view from rendering
  • Known Incompatibilities: None

Entity Culling

  • Description: Entity Culling is a small client-side performance core mod which improves the rendering of entities and tile entities.
  • Known Incompatibilities: None


All credits for this list goes to alkyaly on Github. The full list can be found here.