Done Unable to research Ichorcloth Robes

Discussion in 'Infinity Skyblock' started by Finneas_66, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Finneas_66

    Finneas_66 New Member

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    Local Time:
    5:09 AM
    I have ichor unlocked, have researched all that it would let me in that tree, but when I go to research Ichorcloth robes, it says it puts the research notes in my inventory, but the chat window says "You lack the required knowledge to understand this." I found a post from the Infinity boards from quite a while back that had the same issue and it required Admin intervention to progress. /iskamiunlocked comes back with "Yes", so I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

    Please advise and/or help. Both myself and my islandmate have the same issue.

    The link to the previous post I referenced is Done - Thaumonomicon bug with research | MineYourMind Community
  2. Finneas_66

    Finneas_66 New Member

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    5:09 AM
    My partner informs me some random research made it work. Who knew. Please ignore
  3. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    11:09 AM
    Just to clarify, /iskamiunlocked, is not really sensitive to Thaumic Tinkerer's own researches. Most often when I am researching Ichor myself, it will state "yes", but not unlock, as I keep forgetting the Fume Dissipator & Thaumic Restorer.

    For anyone else who comes across this in the future with similar issues: Make sure everything in Thaumic Tinkerer is researched, even if /iskamiunlocked states "yes".
    /iskamiunlocked was purely a dev-command, to make sure that the Ichor Research was gated behind vanilla TC & TT, which was later kept for normal player use. As it was originally a dev-command, it was never properly tested.

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