Done Music copyrights problems on YouTube monetize

Discussion in 'Other' started by AuntBee, May 23, 2016.

  1. AuntBee

    AuntBee Well-Known Member

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    I love the music but had to mute because of copyright to the music belongs to someone else and they get all my monetized earnings and kinda makes me angry why aren't ya'll using uncopyrighted content? youtubers record and thats their livelyhood I just curious as to why you used copyrighted music? sure it sounds great and I love it thats why I had it playing when I started playing skyfactory 2.5 but now all my hard work is being mooched to a song that is playing in the background because I assumed it was not copyrighted and I could have it play to keep me awake...just curious...thanks
  2. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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  3. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    You should be license any music yourself for streaming as this is considered a performance and not covered under license of the original holder. In other words we bought a license but it doesn't cover your performance of it. This is true of almost any game or anywhere else (radio playing in the background of your stream).
    chugga_fan likes this.
  4. AuntBee

    AuntBee Well-Known Member

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    So my son was playing a music video in the back ground and yeah they copyrighted the video so I divided the video by 15 mins so that way only the first video had the copyright issue and the rest of the video I could get credit for...I just wont play the awesome music in the game launcher...and in game...legalities are stupid IMHO I should get credit for my performance and usually I try and look up songs I hear in the background of videos and buy them so yeah their loss not mine...oh well I will just upload in 15 min segments forever and yeah hopefully they will only get me for copyright on just a few...I got a system and I am about to beat theirs! thanks
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    we know DMCA is really TERRIBLE, we can't fix that, sorry
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    The idea isn't stupid, the vagueness of it is in this regards. It also provides section 230 protections which the movie/music industry has been trying to gut for years. As with most things, you get good and bad.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    that is true, it's good and bad, it's just... there's the people who abuse it that make it terrible
  8. AuntBee

    AuntBee Well-Known Member

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    Greed is the root of all evils...I just want a sliver tis all don't want to be famous too much responsibility comes with that and I don't have a flawless past ha ha who does these days? I can't handle paparazzi XD I would end up having DV on my record cuz them fools bwhahahaha...I think there should be a theirtube and a youtube youtube was a broadcast yourself where everyday joes could make money entertaining from their homes not music video ie vevo and stuff...and what I say to copyright holders is this...hey we are listening to your now we cant because we may have a moment of funniness in our lives and have to never listen to music or watch movies or whatever else content that could be no radio in the car just in case our kids do something silly stupid or we drive up on someone doing something stupid or what? now you are really hurting now because our daily lives have to be shushed so we can record video content so we can make pennies on the dimes so youtube can get richer than us...stupid[DOUBLEPOST=1465606671][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I know that but I thought it was the music from the launcher...but later they pin pointed it and I heard the music I was like unbelievable my family cannot listen to music/watch movies nothing especially if my income is husband works but I want to help out
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I'm honestly confused what your looking for here now. What can I help with?
  10. AuntBee

    AuntBee Well-Known Member

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    never mind close thread whatever I am done with first said the music from the launcher and in game music was copyrighted then it said something my son was playing in the video I took the video down broke it up in 15 min intervals and yeah there we go get some rev on some of the 15 min segments and not on the ones holding the music problem solved thanks

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