Building Competition #1

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by stijn04356789, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM

    Hello MineYourMinders!

    With the launch of the new infinity node, infinity normal 6, we are also going to host a building competition. This competition will run during the first three weeks of the node and after that we will decide a winner. Of course this isn’t a regular vanilla Minecraft building competition, we are going to add several mod specific tasks to gain an additional point in the competition, but more about this later. So check it out!
    Infinity Normal 6
    Start date: 10/07/2016
    End date:31/07/2016

    A summarized version is available at the end of this thread.

    How will this work?

    This competition is based on gaining points to win and convince the players of MineYourMind to vote for you. Judges will come and check your building twice in the three weeks time. We will come to check your building somewhere in the second week and give you a small amount of marks based on what we already can see. After the competition the judges will come around a second time and give you a far bigger mark.

    After this we will count up both marks and make a top 10 list of the best buildings. This will allow us to make a list on the forum and then it is up to you guys. You can then decide who is going to win! This by voting on your favourite building on the forum for a few days, and the person who has the most votes from the players, judges and staff will be the winner!

    How can I gain points?
    As we said, there are three moments that you can gain points. Two times from the judges and one time, worth 8 points, from doing something special for us. The judges will give during their first round each a point on 10 for the people that are participating in the competition. The second round they will give a point on 50 based on the five criteria that we have. These are:
    • Exterior design
    • Creativity/originality
    • Interior design
    • Use of space
    • Functionality with machines
    Each of these criteria are worth 10 points. Each judge will give out these points so it will be a big total of points.​
    The 8 bonus points can be obtained by doing several bonuses. During the competition we will post either on Facebook or in this thread a new bonus and this five times during the next three weeks. It will contain a small “mission” and you will have to include it in your building. Once you do this and it is included as we asked for then you can gain an additional point. Each mission is worth 1 point. If you do them all five and all five are included in such a way that we accept it then we will give you an additional 3 points. With this you can get a total of 8 points with the bonuses.

    These missions will be announced on random day, so you will never know when we are going to announce one. We advise you to check our Facebook and this thread on a regular base to see and start working on the missions.​
    Deciding the winner
    Once the judges made their top 10 we will make up a new thread on the forum where everyone can vote on their winner. The top 10 WILL NOT be in the order that the judges decided with their points, so it is completely random.

    The vote system will work as following:

    Players can vote and each player vote is worth 1 point. Double voting is obviously not possible.
    The staff members can vote as well in a private section to not influent anyone. Each staff vote is worth 2 points.
    The judges, there we have them again, will give away 10 points to their winner. This will also happen in private once again to not influent anyone.

    A judge and a staff member can only vote once and this for the highest amount of points. So instead of giving away 10 points as a judge and 2 as a staff member they can only give away 10 points. The same rule applies to the judges that are players.

    The winner will be announced 24 hours after we closed the vote topic.​
    Judges are not able to participate in this competition under any circumstance.


    A competition without a prize isn’t a real competition. Thanks to @Slind we are able to give away some really nice prizes to the winners of the competition. This can go from credits to even games on Steam. Of course we as organizers are giving away another prize, and that is that we will let you vote as a judge in the next competition we are going to host.

    Note: The prizes are for the entire team and will be split up in a conversation with the claim owner.

    We hope you are already a bit interested in our competition by now. However participating is more important than winning.

    To participate you have to fill in the following form that @SirWill made for us. We require four things from you:​
    • The IG name of the claim owner
    • The members that helped building
    • The coordinates of the claim
    • We need you to agree to the rules (You can find them further in this thread.)
    Once submitted we will come to check out if everything is correct and in case it isn’t try to contact you.


    To let this competition go smoothly and without too many problems we want you to agree to several rules. If you break one of these rules you can either not participate in the competition or you will be disqualified from the competition.

    You can find all the rules in the following spoiler.
    In the first place you have to follow all the rules that MineYourMind has, breaking these rules will lead to the same punishments without exception. You can find our rules here.

    The competition based rules are only for the players who are participating in this competition, everyone who isn’t participating and is playing on this server doesn’t have to worry about this.

    • You can play with a maximum of four teammates on the claim.
    • You will build this claim as a second base on the node. We are asking this to see what you have realized in the three weeks of the competition and this will allow us to have some time to come and judge your building without you changing anything after the competition ended. We will need around 48 hours maximum to do all the required things in your building and after that you can use the base again.

      This means that if we see you placing blocks after the event has ended that we will disqualify you and that you are no longer able to participate and win. (Staffs will check your base with our log system to see if you are breaking this rule or not.)
    • You will not ask other players or bribe them in order to vote for your building in any circumstance.
    You cannot participate in the competition if you don’t agree to the rules, so if you break them there is no exception as you did agree to the rules.

    Being punished in the three weeks of this competition will NOT allow you to continue building after the event has ended. This will lead to a direct disqualification. This means that we will not disqualify you if are punished and that you can just continu building after you are unbanned or your ban has expired.


    Thanks to the game developers of the games below for sponsoring the game keys.​

    We all hope you are interested in participating in this competition and we which you all a nice time building your base and the best of luck. Remember that participating is more important than winning and that you can still win this competition if you are not the best builder.

    If you have any questions regarding this competition, feel free to post them in this thread or send one of the hosts a forum message with your question. We are there to answer all your questions.

    Social Media
    Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with all progress and information we share about this competition and of course all other information we share there.

    Co-hosts: @_prpl_ & @stijn04356789
    Prizes: @Slind
    Form: @SirWill
    Judges: To be announced

    Overview of the competition
    08/07/2016: Announcing competition.
    10/07/2016: Start of the competition and opening sign ups.
    31/07/2016: End of the competition.
    01/08/2016: Judge day.
    02/08/2016: Taking screenshots, counting up points & creating top 10 thread.
    03/08/2016: You can now use your base again.
    04/08/2016: Closing top 10 votes.
    05/08/2016: Counting up votes & announcing winners.

    Summarized version

    How will this work:
    • Based on points
    • 2 Judge rounds
      • One time during the second week
      • One time after the competition
    • Votes from all the players will decide the winner
      • Player: 1 vote point
      • Staff: 2 vote points
      • Judge: 10 vote points
    • Additional bonuses
      • 5 Missions, each worth 1 point
        • Completed them all: +3 points
    Vote criteria:
    • Exterior design
    • Creativity/originality
    • Interior design
    • Use of space
    • Functionality with machines
    • First place
      • Coupon worth of 100 euro
      • Steam game
      • Judge in the next building competition
      • Special prize
    • Second place
      • Coupon worth of a value that still has to be decided
      • Steam game
      • Judge in the next building competition
      • Special prize
    • Third place
      • Coupon worth of a value that still has to be decided
      • Steam game
      • Judge in the next building competition
    • Sign up with our form which you can find in the thread.
    • All regular MyM rules.
    • You can participate with a maximum of 4 teammates
    • You build this as a second base. (More about this in the thread under the rules section.)
    • Do not ask for votes
    • Being punished in the past three weeks will not give you any exception on the rules. (More about this in the rules section.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2016
  2. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:54 AM
    Oh that's pretty cool :)
    @Ben85 @Babars013
    Sadly i forgot one guy name on infinity he was making some real crazy building, it could have been fun with him too

    GL to people who take part in it (me too bad for that :p)
  3. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    7:54 AM
    I say second place 50 Euro third 25 or 10
  4. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    11:54 PM
    I haven't played that much of Infinity, but are we going to be in Survival or Creative mode for this?
  5. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    7:54 AM
    May I ask you put the Server Backup script on?
    Also id like to be a judge
  6. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    to sad that it's only for N6 :p

    maybe @vadiel?
  7. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    7:54 AM
    I will win this one, js.
    ben_mkiv likes this.
  8. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    11:54 PM
  9. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    It will be survival, so you will have to gather your own blocks.
  10. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    11:54 PM
    That makes sense.
  11. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    People who want to judge can always send me a motivation message on the forum, who knows, perhaps we chose you.
  12. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    7:54 AM
    Ill send you a private message mate
  13. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    8:54 AM
    Come on you can do it :p

    No, he has an italon name
  14. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    Nice thing. Are staffmembers allowed to participate? ;)
  15. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    Of course they are
    mineminemine258 likes this.
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    3:54 AM
    There should be another competition with creative mode some time

    That way people with less time in their days for minecraft can still have a chance against all those 12hours a day recorce grinder people ;)
  17. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    We will surely consider it and might do it one day. For now we choosed this one as it came out pretty nice.
  18. Idlehumor

    Idlehumor Well-Known Member

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    3:54 AM
    Will there be a limit to how many chunks or blocks the build claim can be?
  19. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    No you are completely free to build as big as you want.
    F4lconwings likes this.
  20. Idlehumor

    Idlehumor Well-Known Member

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    3:54 AM
    I'm assuming Infinity node 6 will be standalone?

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