A timemachine? (Throwback ideas)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Cynnimon, Jul 19, 2018.


A blast from the past?

  1. I'm ready to rock out some TPPI

  2. I'm ready to be a _Monster_ slayer!

  3. I have another suggested pack that I'm going to post in a reply to this thread and tag GreyWolf !

  4. Ew, a throwback idea. *Thumbsdown*

  5. Of course potato.

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  1. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    1:49 AM
    I was talking today with a few folks, and reminiscing about older modpacks, when I kind of started to wonder if it would be possible to add the TPPI pack to MYM?

    What is TPPI?

    It stands for Test Pack, Please Ignore. It's a 1.6.4 pack that has a ton of technical mods, centered around semi-hardmode recipes and setups. Specifically, it has Gregtech4.

    Here is the official FTB Wiki page, and a list of all the mods it contains: Test Pack Please Ignore - Official Feed The Beast Wiki

    Long story short, it was a very fun, rather expert-level-ish pack that had long term and definitive endgame goals.

    Thoughts? :)
  2. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    After talking with Cynn, I think we've come up with an even better idea than her already fantastic one: We're going to come up with a list of possible throwback packs and see what you, the community would prefer (if you like the idea at all).
    A little bit of background behind where this idea came from, is that at one point or another, a few staff members started talking about some older mods/modpacks that we missed (I believe the main one was Snow and Matie with RotaryCraft lol) and myself and a few others began cultivating this idea. Where those of us who have been playing Modded MC for years get a chance to have some nostalgia and flex our old school knowledge, and the newer among us could share in re-creating memories of a Forgotten age of Modded MC.

    Now that I'm done rambling, lets get into some packs!
    Let the monster rise! This large all-encompassing 1.6.4. pack is designed to offer a wide selection of mods to play with as well as a whole brand new set of custom world generation to discover and explore.
    "Monster is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack created by the FTB Team. It combines technical and magical mods into one monster sized pack. It is the largest official FTB modpack created for 1.6.4, having 123 mods. It is considered to be the 1.6.4 recreation of FTB Unleashed. The changelog can be found on Confluence." ~FTB Wiki (hyperlinked to Monster in "Let the monster rise")

    "I was talking today with a few folks, and reminiscing about older modpacks, when I kind of started to wonder if it would be possible to add the TPPI pack to MYM?

    What is TPPI?

    It stands for Test Pack, Please Ignore. It's a 1.6.4 pack that has a ton of technical mods, centered around semi-hardmode recipes and setups. Specifically, it has Gregtech4.

    Here is the official FTB Wiki page, and a list of all the mods it contains: Test Pack Please Ignore - Official Feed The Beast Wiki

    Long story short, it was a very fun, rather expert-level-ish pack that had long term and definitive endgame goals."~Cynn 2018

    ***To be completely clear, we are posting this idea as community members, not staff members. This is in no way a definitive statement from staff about anything contained in this post, its simply ideas that we wanted to hear the communities feedback on.***
  3. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    Before launching older packs, you may want to check if the packs still work with newer Java releases. Packs for 1.6.4 were developed when Java 6/7 was mainstream, you can expect most of the regular folks with auto updates on are running Java 8/9 today.

    I'm writing this because I just recently tried to connect to MyM's Crash Landing server and I crash landed to desktop immediately as I connected with ugIy exceptions. I admit I did not analyze deeper, but suspect it's Java 8 which is my default as I use it for development. Used to work before (both with MyM and old FTB launcher).

    If the packs required older versions of Java:
    1) On Windows you might be exposing people to security risks and multitude of problems. If you ask to install older JRE, it will register into browsers and sites using applets will not work or complain. Or not complain and happily exploit loopholes in security manager that Oracle has been fixing two years ago and pushing people to migrate away to newer versions.

    2) On Mac it's kinda PITA to change installed Java versions and switch the environment. Had to do it on wife's machine while ago, maybe the situation has improved with newer releases.

    Finally there are other options you might need to change (revert to) for decent pack performance which have changed between Java releases over time: garbage collector, rendering options etc. My notebooks for example come with external NVidia cards and I have to register the java binary with Nvidia utilities otherwise the integrated card is being used for rendering and I get 5 FPS.

    I leave implications of running older Java versions on Mym Servers to admins.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I'd love to play FTB monster again, really my only issue is that I think it's so old now that no one would want to play it. I had previously broken the pack, but the people I'd want to play it with aren't around anymore, so that'd make it so much harder to play. but Oh well.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Crashlanding works fine and dandy with the latest Java 8, so it is unlikely a Java issue that sent you into a crash landing. No respectable Minecraft player uses Java 9 anything as it is not supported by Forge.

    We've tossed the idea around of updating older packs before and in the event we undertake such a project you can rest assured we're going to make sure it works before we roll it out.
  6. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    Okay, good to know it works fine for someone. Let me mess around with it for a bit and I'll post whatever I find. It kept failing reliably. Do you want the info here (as it potentially relates to older packs), or somewhere to Support section?
  7. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    I would post it in the crashlanding section in the support forum. And if you can post the crash-report with it, that would be great for helping us to solve the issue
  8. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I would love to play some monster it was the true first pack I played multiplyer and I broke the pack and bricked my freinds server :)
  9. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i once had a 1.6.4 pack (that i still go pack to every now and then) called Yogscast complete, and to get it to run you had to have a mod called "legacy java fixer" or something, take a look at that if you have some java derps
  11. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    I would love it if we had the feed the beast monster server back I never got I never got to play monster on mym . monster is probably one of my favorite Feed the Beast modpacks other than infinity evolved.
    [doublepost=1532047250][/doublepost]I would love it if we had the feed the beast monster server back I never got to play monster on mym . monster is probably one of my favorite Feed the Beast modpacks other than infinity evolved.
    Jitrid likes this.
  12. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    I'd be down to play Monster again!

    I wonder if the owners still have any backups of the old itemrestrict banlists etc from the original MyM Monster servers?
    Some of my favourite bans I ever issued were against exploiters back on the original monster servers ;)
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  13. ItzxOdd

    ItzxOdd Not Very Well Known Member

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    I remember exploiting... (Singleplayer Ofcourse. :shame:)

    Monster would be a fun pack to play again
  14. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Bumping this so that more players can give any input they have.
  15. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    TPPI were good times... It had the old GregTech

    I'm not sure if I would have time to play it though.
    p5k and SirWill like this.
  16. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Sooooo is this still being considered? It's been a few weeks since the last response and currently the poll is still tied at 13-13...

    I can vaguely feel my desire to play minecraft beginning to surface once again, so if MyM IS going to have a throwback pack, I'd love it if it could be sooner rather than later!
    Fireforce likes this.
  17. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Just for everyone interested in this, throwback is one of the options on our poll for our next patron server.
    Link Here

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