Hi there, I was wondering in there was any way to view your current chunkloading tickets without physically clicking on a chunkloader. As it seems there is not I would like to suggest something along the lines of "/cm info" which would print useful information to your chat such as 'Current Tickets' and Online consumption per hour' 'Offline consumption per hour'... This would go along way to helping players like myself who like to hide the loaders where they can't be seen for aesthetics and would be all around useful in general.
Oh can I pile on to this and suggest we have some sort of cool floating visual indicator for players that is optional? The information you asked for is there, but as you pointed out you do have to touch them.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit Wynd XD But yeah, I know the total tickets is there by manually clicking them. As for the consumption though that would be very useful information to have. Otherwise you'd have to go to every chunkloader and manually add it up every time you place something new down and the price changes. considering most of mine are hidden in the floor that's quite troublesome.
I wasn't being sarcastic, I actually like your idea and would love to see some sort of visual indicator at a glance, but a command would work too.
This looks like the perfect place to post my suggestion for a Delete/Disable command. This would mainly be to help with the ghost chunk loaders people seem to constantly get. No more going to coords, placing a block and breaking it just to remove a ghost loader - just type "/cm del 1" or something and poof it's gone. That would be very, very useful.
Ah okie XD Just the floating visual seems ott so sarcastic. my bad But yeah what HanoverFist69 tacked on would be useful too.
We have that sort of thing at our disposal now (as senior staff). It would probably have to be tweaked to only allow players to delete their own chunk loaders and since I'm not a programmer I'm assuming that is as difficult as landing on the moon.
I can't even get him to do something I've been hounding him for months to do, and he's on vacation now.