Join the staff team and get promoted to Moderator
Play 289 hours on the network
Play 232 hours on the network
Associated your account with Discord
Play 187 hours on the network
Create a forum account
Play 62 hours on the network
Play 7 hours on the network
Play 84 minutes on the network
Play 150 hours on the network
Play 120 hours on the network
Play 96 hours on the network
Play 77 hours on the network
Play 49 hours on the network
Play 39 hours on the network
Play 31 hours on the network
Play 24 hours on the network
Play 19 hours on the network
Play 15 hours on the network
Play 12 hours on the network
Play 9 hours on the network
Play 5 hours on the network
Play 3 hours on the network
Play 2 hours on the network
Play 36 minutes on the network
Play 5 minutes on the network
Purchase or upgrade to tier 2
Purchase the tier 1 rank
Separate names with a comma.