Can someone please remove the furnace that is glitched from my claim. It crashes minecraft. Coords x2821 z5019 ish
Thanks, You're a doll!
Can someone remove the blocks that are crashing the game. Or whatever it is. Here is the crash report.
Ok so I just needed to allocate more memory to Jave. Thanks for the help.
Okay, so do you know what's causing the error then?
8.0.3610.9 64bit
Haven't been here since covid. Glad to be back.
I get a java. lang. OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded error the only pack I can get to run is the skyblock 4 pack Any ideas?
That would be nice. The dungeons are wrecked also.
I love building so this pack would be great!
I mean if I build something and then move my base. I unclaim and it all goes back to normal.
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