I meant the in-game main menu >.< The changelog button on the ingame main menu brings to wrong link! http://puu.sh/kUtDv/7b0623b6cb.jpg The...
I'll have a check and reply tomorrow. In bed on phone at the moment. Just a question, how much ram is dedicated to each node on Infinity servers?...
On the launcher I click on "Changelog" and it takes me to wrong FTB link :3 Idk what MyM launcher I use >.<
Yeah, didn't notice the link changed name once posted... Thanks for the info though!
When I click "changelog" it brings me to "http://www.feed-the-beast.com/mod-packs" instead of correct link: "Modpacks - Projects - Feed The Beast"...
When I do /kits ingame, the only kit it tells me I have is "Shovel" which isn't even a valid kit. Picture: http://puu.sh/8Y9xy.png My kits work...
I got it working by installing the latest version of java, sorry for late delay :P Thanks guys!
I have 8 gb of ram and 64bit java.
The crash log: The game is running. Please wait. Error occurred during initialization of VM Cou - Pastebin.com the features thats on:...
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