Nope, I haven't, I guess I might've looked at the wrong model whenever I was checking for Hybrid Graphics. Anyway, I'll try that and edit this...
Alright, so here's where I might need some help, I figured out that my laptop has both Intel and Nvidia graphics, so you're actually correct about...
Eh, it's a pretty bad laptop but it gets the job done, somehow it runs Portal 2 at 60 FPS, though that might be due to it being an optimized game...
Alright, here's my System Summary along with graphics card type/drivers. OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.10586 Build 10586 Other...
Probably could've just edited it in but this is easier at the moment. -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC...
I'm guessing you meant the Java tab so that's what I screencapped. Here you go. [IMG]
Here you go, [MEDIA].
Man, this launcher hates me. So I ended up reinstalling the launcher including deleting my entire .mineyourmind folder however it did not a thing....
Alright, so I went ahead and tested other modpacks and vanilla before I manually updated drivers and none of them worked sadly. In particular I...
Hi, I'm actually the person having the issue here so I decided I should elaborate a bit more on the issue. Anyway, I've tried that link you sent...
Separate names with a comma.