Again, it never seems related to TPS. Even at the very worst of times, the TPS is 18-20. Server TPS has nothing to do with it. It's not just me...
Most likely, I don't play as much as the lag, restarts and rollbacks make it too frustrating.
Need to increase the logging level, that's just a warn level message.
Well, last night it was horrible. Again, as I have said, TPS is not the issue. When it is completely unplayable and the server crashes and...
Yes, yes it has.
113 MS. So not bad for being on another continent. But what does that have to do with the server crashing, restarting and rollbacks? My ping...
It's more than just low TPS. In the evenings (US Eastern time) I will get on and within 10 minutes the server crashes and restarts and there is a...
No, I did not. Figured that one out early in the quest book in this modpack. One of the other people on the server even said they crafted both...
The last quest in Basic Survival, Regulate on the go, appears to be bugged. Other people on the server have reported it as well. Can we get this...
Seems to have been.
Logged in and the questbook seems to be reset, however the first quest won't complete even though I have all the items in my inventory. I've...
It does work in other locations, so it's a server thing with a mod conflict. Thank you for checking back :)
cool, nice to know I wasn't going completely nuts and doing something dumb :)
Separate names with a comma.