[Civ] Market.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Ernuke, Feb 17, 2016.


What do you prefer?

Poll closed Feb 24, 2016.
  1. Global Market (actual system)

  2. Physical Market (with shop plots, etc)

  1. Ernuke

    Ernuke Well-Known Member

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    Following the idea of Civilization, I found extremely boring the idea of a global market.
    But there's an idea that spawned in the market regulation post
    (Opinions Needed - [CIV] Market Restrictions | MineYourMind Community)

    The idea of having a market, with plots and a rent (possibly), fair ground for people to shop is so charming, but i want to hear the rest of the population in the server. As normal in this kind of treads... vote with reason behind it.
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    There is a problem with having the old shop with a sign and a chest. I think it's because of compatibility of modded items and a "vanilla" plugin.
  3. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    chest shop works but it shows ids not the name of the item so people cant be lazy and they have to look it up in nei.
  4. aero_c

    aero_c Well-Known Member

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    I had this thought too. I'd prefer a physical player market. The digital market sucks, especially since there are fees to list. Twice I've listed items that were unique to the market only to get undercut by other people a few hours later; I've already paid the listing fee, so I lose money for trying to supply goods that weren't previously supplied, and my goods will never sell because I got undercut (so I lose twice).

    My favorite thing to do on servers is to trade, but I don't see myself doing much of that on this server. Besides, what can MYMs even buy you? If the answer is just other things on the market, then money is not even worth collecting for me. If you could buy claims with MYMs, then I might be inspired.

    The other limitation is there is no way to place a buy order except to spam chat. At least with chestshop you can buy things from others without having to be online.
  5. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    i have played on a server recently that had a plot area where players setup shops but the major problem i see is the fact of going through all the shops (that can take hours depending on how many shops there are). and after going through that two times looking for stuff i got sick and tired going through there and just asked in chat if people had the item i was looking for. that is one reason why i like the digital market since its easy to go through everything in a minute and if there is nothing good just wait an hour and go through it again.

    but this is just my personal opinion on plot shops
    Mouro likes this.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Do you mean claim blocks? You can do that in the /shop.
  7. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Use /buyclaimblocks nnn where nnn is the number of blocks you'd like to buy. Each block costs 1 mym. Buying 5,000 extra claim blocks will cost you 5,000 myms, which, hopefully, you made by selling stuff on /market. :)
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I think they meant like shop plots
  9. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I like global market more, because I can check it anywhere and it is quick. Physical shop requires travelling and it can take very long time to check all wares.
  10. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    That distance however can drive up prices and somewhat prevents undercutting.
  11. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I don't agree with that. Players who undercut are probably already able to get to the one place and back quickly.

    Even if this would work, it would be harder for customers get to the market, so you will have hard time selling.
  12. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Naturally youd have a /warp so[DOUBLEPOST=1455875045][/DOUBLEPOST]Although Cive being Civ that command would be disabled
  13. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    I personally prefer the current market, vs a brick-and-mortar setup. That being said, I think the possibility exists for both. A shop area, immediately adjacent to spawn, would allow people to set up items geared towards new players, and have those items be persistent rather than time-out on the market. Also, they'd always be visible, rather than hidden on page 2,3, etc on the market. Since TP is disabled on the Civ server, as the poster above has mentioned, going to the physical shop would likely be a lesser-used option for most established players. This mirrors real life. How many people use Amazon, vs their local shop that requires a walk, or car ride? There's a reason Amazon is the size it is. People prefer convenience. Also, occasionally, when building something or operating in another dimension, you need the convenience of being able to purchase what you want and have it "automagically" appear in your bags. Enabling TP and /back would certainly make this better, but I suspect that's not in the cards for Civ.

    I'm puzzled, again, as to why this is a either-or discussion. Enable shops if possible, and let people set them up. If their prices are better than the /market, people will figure out how to make the journey. If not, they won't. This is how real economies work, and work passably well.
  14. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    I like both. I wouldn't mind having a chest chop in my pretend business establishment along the road for travelers. I like roads, towns, mayors, rentable plots and work mines, etc. If we had nations it would also be more realistic.

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