Done PVP bypass thaumcraft foci

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Mossb3rg, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    3:17 PM
    The pech's curse foci can bypass pvp protection if spammed at a player. found it on accident and almost killed my buddy :/. Also i believe this foci might be part of a late game thaumcraft recipie.
  2. PlasmaNoodle

    PlasmaNoodle Well-Known Member

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    12:17 PM
    Oh no silly billy! You found one of the many PvP bypasses that have been known, yes, it is a PvP bypass and its only use is for the heal foci. nothing else and the heal foci is not used in anything.
    Edit: Scratch that, it is actually used in some recipes but not a huge impact on gameplay.

    Also side note: Pech's Curse foci at low leveled state (not enhanced by manipulator) is far from threatening and is simply an annoyance. Nightmare and potentcy upgrades for it however can be deadly.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  3. LuciferAsh

    LuciferAsh Banned

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    There is no fix to this unless MyM has admins capable of changing base Minecraft code. The spell basically just generates debuffs from base Minecraft onto a player when the collision entity reach's a player model. Has really nothing to do with actual pvp. I'm fairly certain aside from damage logs indicating the victim player was damaged from poison there's no way to confirm with absolute proof if someone used the spell to kill another player. So most servers either disable the use of the Foci entirely and make it only usable as a crafting ingredient since it is used to make one of the most valuable utility based spells in the game. (Self healing) Or leave it be. And confirm bans via if the victim player reports a story about the Foci and if the victim player dies while effected with poison/weakness and slowness.

    That was all confirmed last Thaumcraft update. If they made the initial spell impact damage that occurs slightly before the debuffs activate as actual pvp damage given from the user of the spell then ignore everything I said and disregard my existence lmao.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
    profrags likes this.
  4. PlasmaNoodle

    PlasmaNoodle Well-Known Member

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    12:17 PM
    Wand Focus: Pech's Curse - Feed The Beast Wiki

    Says it does 1.5 initial damage so it is damage from the wand not a player specific unless it's not as simple one-two as I think but it is still a projectile and bows work the same so not super reliable source from me.
  5. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    When i requested the key of kings law to be banned for pvp bypass and block destruction (Graves) i essentially got this.

    Hi tyler
    Thanks for your report. while we appreciate this report if we ban every item with a bug/bypass then we would all be playing vanilla
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    While it is true that we do not want to ban every possible item that can bypass pvp ( you would not even be able to use a bucket of lava if we did!) it is still not allowed to, as said, bypass pvp.
    Any and all infractions to the rules will lead to a punishment scaled to said infraction.

    While we do hope that our players would play nice to eachother, we only really ban the untraceable/cross-dim pvp-bypasses, the rest are left as-is, and victims should report through tickets/forum threads, because as said, the list would just be much too long otherwise.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.

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