CrashLanding: starter tip's and trick's

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by F4lconwings, May 11, 2016.


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  1. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    10:08 PM
    As a long-year CrashLanding veteran I've encountered many useful tip's and trick's, and found out things that many people do wrong on their first days in the blazing heat. Some of them I am going to present you now.

    !!Important!! -- Sometimes you may not do the quests first, but set a stable food- and watersupply up.

    #1 Camelpack
    #2 A good water source
    #3 Cobblestone generator
    #4 Food
    Defense & Offense
    #1 Defense
    #2 Offense
    Useful tip's and trick's
    #1 Dirt
    #2 Blazing pyrotheum
    #3 Temperature

    keep in mind, that i am not allknowing, so correct me please if i said something wrong.

    #1 Camelpack
    A camelpack is a very useful item. It is obtained by you with the first quest of "Getting Started". It automatically keeps your thirst low. Many people do not know, that it increases the effectivity of a normal water bottle from 10 waterpoints by 250% to 25 waterpoints. It can be charged by crafting normal water bottles with a camelpack in the crafting window.

    #2 A good water source
    There is many ways in the game to get water. Some are resource efficient, whilst some take no resources.
    The one that costs no resources is my favourite (kind of a buguse, but since known for years i accept it to be legal): When an autonomous activator (obtainable early by a quest, dont use for autosieving) rightclicks with an empty bottle on a water source, it creates a water bottle, NOT a bottle of salt water. But make sure to set the autonomous activator on first slot only and take the waterbottles out quickly, before the activator drinks them and they're lost forever.

    #3 Cobblestone generator
    Many people love *cough* to pickaxe their cobblegen for ages. Extra Utilities mod made your life much easier: a Transfer node (items) above a cobblestone surrounded by a watersource and a lavasource and a Barrel sticked above, and here you go! Your own cobblegen without nasty pickaxe work

    (c) EndorianHD, 2016

    #4 Food: Am I going to eat that apple raw or should i try some zombiejerky?
    In total, you should always try to get a good variety of different food. For the first few days, when Hunger Overhaul doesnt strike you you are fine with some zombiejerky and applejuice. But you should try to get a Peanutbutter&(insert jellytype here) sandwich farm as early as possible. You will need:
    -minimum 3 different types of fruitseeds
    -a furnace
    -rice/wheat/oats/potato/barley/rye seeds for making flour
    -a bit of water for dough (use fresh water from PHC therefore, multiplies your water for crafting with 4)
    -a furnace for making bread
    -sugarcanes for sugar for jelly
    all that stuff is basic, but if you dont have any of that for some reason, let me know in the comments down below and i'll help you out.

    When youve got a stable farm as listed above this is going to be all you need in terms of food till lategame, and when you've got your free water generator you've got all the basic needs for you and your heart.

    ----------------------------------------------Defense & Offense--------------------------------------------------

    #1 Defense
    Your main opponent in the game are nasty spiders climbing your wall. The following design of a wall will hold even these annoying creatures off: simply slice some cobblestone into cobblestone pillars with a saw, and attach them to the wall on the side the enmies are. this will prevent even spiders from climbing above. A 2 1/2 high wall is totally enough if you make with this design:
    (c) EndorianHD, 2016 (Glassblocks for comparision in blocksize)

    I do not recommend armour if you are not going to the city, because it makes you heat up faster.

    #2 Offense

    Early game a mattock made out of bone axe head, bone shovel head and a bone tool rod (5 bonemeal) or instead of a bone tool rod a stick delivers 6 attack damage (3 hearts) and is one of the best ways of dealing damage earlygame. Do not craft any vanilla tools for usage, only for crafting, because they break after 2 uses.

    In midgame you should make a cutlass for swift and powerful attacks, while you should consider a cleaver or battleaxe in endgame.

    -----------------------------------------Useful tip's and trick's---------------------------------------------------

    #1 Dirt
    Dirt. Spare in early game, and in midgame you dont know what to do with it.
    Earlygame you should try make a considerable amount of dirt for farms, sieving and the bit of decoration your base needs. Best way to get dirt is to compost leaves (10) in a wooden barrel. All you need therefore is sheers and a bit of wood. Since shears allow you to get 238 leaves (almost 4 stacks = 23,8 dirtblocks) this is totally worth it. And trust me, you wont regret it.

    #2 Blazing pyrotheum
    This stuff is nasty. as soon as possible try to use it for heating your cruicible up, as this stuff is 7x faster than lava. Although attention is needed, because it lights anything inside the radius of 3 blocks up, so i recommend placing halfslab's around it to take no risk, because fire leads to a heatstroke, which can end deadly.

    #3 Temperature
    Temperatureextremes could lead to death, so follow these advises:
    -Do not wear armour in your safe base
    -Do not keep cryotheum, lava and pyrotheum in your hotbar, because these will heat you up as well (eg. cryotheum cool you down fast)
    -Try not to set your machines under the place you sit in most of the time, because they even heat through
    -Wear a filled camelpack, because it keeps you cool as well.

    Thanks for your time and i hope that i could help you.

    Last edited: May 11, 2016
    LunaBlossoms, stijn04356789 and Slind like this.
  2. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    2:08 PM
    Great advice. Thanks for posting it!

    Early game, I usually dig under my ship for the shade, and a working area that is free of heat. Put your machines up top, and your sieving apparatus underneath.

    Also, to get a lot of dust fast, remember that it falls (and breaks) like sand. Go down to bedrock, and break the bottom block of dust. Put a torch, or 1/2 slab down fast, and everything falling breaks into little pieces for you. :) It's just about 1 stack each time you do this, and no wearing out shovels. This can really feed early game sieving systems quickly.

    I like glowstone strips around the outside perimeter of my walls for spider prevention. It provides lighting, stops the spiders, and doesn't shelter mobs underneath it when the sun comes up.
    F4lconwings likes this.
  3. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    10:08 PM
    Definitly worth mentioning. Thanks :)
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Nice thread. I played this pack in SP a bit and I really had a hard time getting anything done, since it usually took me more time to grind up new water than to waste it. The teamup on the server was a bit easier. What I never got done before I ragequit was the food situation, but your thread gave me some ideas for higher tier food.

    The idea from AceOFBases with breaking dust is nice, although I like to level my Tinker Tools. My Boneshowel got a lot of haste upgrades, but it seemed that it did not really speed up in any way. Is that a bug or intended? Thats why I prefered it when it got reinforced.

    What I don't like is that there are no ways to improve or upgrade the water situation or did I miss anything? You still need to refill the camel pack quite often.
  5. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the compliment ;)

    Haste upgrades only work when they are very high. I would not recommend putting alot of hasteupgrades on your shovel, since making my shovelhead to manyullin put the speed to 16 = almost 1 hit on dust, gravel etc.,
    So you better invest into a good shovel head than wasting a ton of redstone.

    Steves Factory Manager allows you to build a machine that refills your empty camelpack if you step on a pressure plate, or, if you waste a witherskull and some resources it would even fill your camelpack from everywhere.

    Hope i could give you a bit of a feedback.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I meant the automatic haste you get randomly when your tool levels up. I think you don't need to put redstone then on that.

    Actually I don't like haste on showels at all. Same with vanilla enchantments. Those superfast showels might be nice to clear out large areas, but if you want to break a single dirt on a field you mostly break the whole field. ^^
  7. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    1 haste upgrade (50 redstone) you get from levelling up is not enough to higher the mining speed. You have to have more than 50 redstone (51 and higher) redstone on it to higher the mining speed. I believe.
  8. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    There is a bug, I believe, with shovel speed. Sometimes my shovel would operate at full speed, but generally it did not. I have a feeling that changing the shovel head once it's fully upgraded may fix it. The last shovel I had was fully levelled before I switched to a Manyullyn head, and suddenly it was operating at the upgraded speed. My current shovel is Manyullyn as well, and it upgraded, but is slower, even though the stats are the same. I'm going to try replacing the head with something else, then replacing it back. :)

    The torch trick is for early game use. Once tool levels start to matter, you're probably making your dust rather than farming it.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    One thing I forgot, you said to not use the autonomous activator for sieving? So you completely sieve yourself? Took me ages in SP to get enough stuff to do things even with the activator.
  10. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Best sieving machine is from SFM in 1 siever per tick:

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