CraftMine pack - would you play it?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Paint_Ninja, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    6:21 AM
    Even if an undesired non-mod file is downloaded, it cannot be ran outside of the CraftMine sandboxed game and therefore would be no threat (as obviously the game itself won't be ran as admin) and all files are verified before client launch.
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    6:21 AM
    so if it did download a virus into the mods folder your saying it could do no damage? o_O
  3. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    6:21 AM
    That's right. Just the same as if someone sends you an EXE file... downloading it wouldn't do anything at all until you run it.
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    6:21 AM
    alrighty fair enough @chugga_fan you got anything else to ask him about spoucy?
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    11:21 PM
    besides, the most harm a downloaded file could do is break your minecraft, or cause extreme lag. that's the most harm i could see spoucy being used for.[DOUBLEPOST=1469826041][/DOUBLEPOST]and besides, most people nowadays have anti-malware software that checks for issues like those. i mean come on, mine checks the things it downloads, launcher or not. so i know i'm fine lol
    i did a full pc scan a few days ago, haven't done one in months, and it came clean. because everything i download, everything i visit? my anti-malware program blocks it from my pc.
  6. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    11:21 PM
    I would like to play it :D
  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    6:21 AM
    Personally I do but some people don't know how to use it and they should be put at risk
  8. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Windows 10 has Windows Defender turned on by default (in addition to the system-wide SmartScreen) and is fully automatic as long as other third-party protection isn't installed. If you're using Windows 7 without any third-party protection then you probably already have malware already and won't care about any potential "risks" from Spoucy (Windows 7 has no first-party protection built-in, and no the Windows Defender in Win7 is entirely different from the one in Win10, despite the same name).
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    6:21 AM
    ok well i think its time for me to give you a break great job nice feature btw chugga this is better then a launcher because every server having to make a new version of the pack and then directing users to it is a pain ;)
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    7:21 AM
    I have said it before, but i really enjoy light packs like this.
    Have you been working on the 1.10.2 version?

    Edit: @Paint_Ninja i really do enjoy the feel of this pack. A mod suggestions i have.

    Cooking for blockheads: Overview - Cooking for Blockheads - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
    Works great for Pam's and is a must have Imo. It would also fit the theme

    I hopped on your server thats listed. It a really nice set up. With the market places that uses coins...ect. It is a shame this pack/server did not get added to the network. The server listed has a really cool spawn and set up. Lets hope founders have a change of heart with this one.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Paint_Ninja likes this.
  11. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    6:21 AM
    Thanks :)

    I have a habit of backporting Vanilla features since CMv2 (before Et Futurum was even a thing)... What features in MC1.10.2 aren't in CraftMine? The only big things I can think of off of the top of my head are multiple hands and VBOs, although I haven't properly looked at modern Vanilla since 1.8 ;)

    Looks like an interesting mod, I'll look into it.
  12. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Whole new combat system
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  13. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    CraftMine has already had that since late beta builds of v4.0, but done in a much different (and possibly less intrusive?) way than Mojang's implementation and focused more on overall gameplay rather than just adding timing mechanics, limits, etc...

    Also, a lot of the combat mechanics in CMv4 tie in with other aspects, such as the custom overhauled Mob AI and player experience (as in how experienced they are with the pack).

    Let me tell you some of the things I remember off of the top of my head:

    - The better the armour you're wearing, the slower you can walk and run. This percentage modifier is so tiny that you won't notice it at all and probably never of even thought about it if I didn't tell you, but it's enough to make it so that new players with leather armour or no armour at all for example can outrun late-game players with the best armour. This helps prevent new player killings and spawn camping.

    - Adaptive per-player difficulty on both singleplayer and multiplayer based on progression: The better you get on a server or world and the more you progress, the difficulty of the environment will adjust accordingly to you. This means that the game is equally challenging for a new player as for an experienced player, regardless of what stuff both said players have (although obviously there is a difficulty curve, so it's still beneficial to have better armour and weapons, etc...

    Just some of the things that affect the adaptive difficulty algorithm per-player includes:
    - How long you play on a server or world
    - How good your weapons and armour are
    - How many achievements you have achieved
    - How much XP you currently have
    - How much stuff is in your inventory and how valuable is it as a whole
    So what does this algorithm do? It doesn't change the entire server difficulty - it uses that as a guideline so that if the server owner sets the server difficulty to easy, the algorithm knows to go equitably easy for all players, while if it's on hard, it'll go equitably hard for all players, etc...

    It'll go "oh look it's night-time and there's 3 low-classed players (low-classed being they haven't got much stuff, not much xp, crappy weapons, brand new to the serv, etc...) and 1 experienced super-op guy". It'll spawn more mobs to the experienced super-op guy than the 3 low-classed players, but it won't forget about any of the players on the server or local world. It may also increase the amount of special abilities of mobs for the experienced guy (like more mobs being able to throw themselves at you or dash at you for example) or increase mob health. Passive mobs may have a higher chance of being aggressive when attacked, and the list goes on...

    - Passive monster tactics: In loaded chunks where monsters are spawned but not doing anything, they will passively walk around the area and break any torches within reach. This prevents players from just placing torches all over the place to stop monsters from spawning, as if the mobs can reach the torches, they'll break them to allow more monsters to spawn. Obviously it isn't the most advanced system as it'll tax the CPU too much, but it does a pretty good job for most scenarios - as long as you put a fence or wall or some kind of protection around your base or home where your torches are, or use other kinds of light sources, they won't be able to reach or they won't break it.

    - Weapon levelling: When you get a new weapon upgrade in Vanilla, you've instantly improved your combat ability and can slay things more effectively and with more damage... Not in CraftMine. In CM, experience plays a big factor into how good you are with your weapons and tools - a lot of experience with an old stone tool can be much better than a brand new iron tool with no experience initially.

    - Hunger mechanics affecting PVP and PVE: How well fed you are and how nutritious the stuff you eat will slightly affect how effective your combat skills are.

    - CMv4.2 is planned to have new dodging mechanics, making PVP more interesting as you could literally dodge arrows as they are flying towards you, jump off of walls, and more.
  14. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Remember me? I'm still here and maintaining CraftMine...

    It's been a while I know, I've been having a bit of a break from games in general. Since then I've been working on the new update for CMv4.2 and fully got Spoucy working on a bigger scale done straight from the web browser rather than the launcher, but that's on hold as my backend dev is having a break from working on that, although the frontend is all designed and working well! :)

    Also, the special dynamic graphics feature called "Swift" I spoke about before in this thread has just been finalised and will be hitting the beta channel soon. It was custom made by me and my mate, where we both discussed the theory face-to-face on how exactly it will work and stay efficient. It works well - boosts graphics when your FPS is high and lowers them when it's low, but still accounts for chunk loading and stuff.

    It turns out that this new update to CM won't be as major as I hoped unfortunately, but it'll be great for map creators and servers for sure - dynamic questing, cutscenes, voiceovers, API access to the sound engine, better support for server protection plugins, etc...

    As always you can still ask me anything you like, I'm here to answer any questions and get your feedback.
    wyndman likes this.
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Not only would I play it, I'm waiting for a testing release to try it.
    Paint_Ninja likes this.
  16. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Nice to hear! I have just released beta 2 which is the first build that includes fully functional Swift and most of the mentioned features for map creators and servers. You can get it on the technic launcher by going into the modpack options and checking the ratio box "Use the latest version".

    There are known issues with Swift that members of the community have already identified and are being worked on, mainly caused by the lack of multi-pass support causing setting graphics profiles to constantly be reloaded and the chat to be spammed in some scenarios. Next build will resolve this issue for upper framerate thresholds and I'm looking into how to resolve it for mid and lower thresholds.
  17. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    I actually played this when it was in early-developement.... it was ages ago....
  18. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Cool! Welcome to the club :p

    Out of curiosity, do you know what version it was roughly? Was it before v1 when it was in "beta" and "RC" or was it the v2 days with the floating sky islands spawn or the v3 days with the cave and castle spawn?[DOUBLEPOST=1491407166,1491406237][/DOUBLEPOST]New beta build out, fixes all the issues reported with Swift and also updates a bunch more mods that includes more minor bugfixes and improvements. It's getting pretty stable now, release is close...

    To try out the new build, do the following:
    Open Technic Launcher -> Modpacks tab -> Search for "CraftMine" and install -> Modpack options -> Choose latest version -> Click play and update when prompted
  19. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    Tried both the recommended version as well as the latest version. Both of them performed horribly due to the "better foilage" mod. Additionally, the latest version seems to revert ANY change I make to the settings, including GUI scale and "bobbing" which aren't even performance tweaks. Strangely, I turned off better foilage to pull my framerate out of a crawl, and your "FPS improving" system turned it back on, thus making the game unplayable again. Once things loaded for a while, the framerate settled down, but I still can't play without being able to customize non-performance options such as GUI scale.

    From the short time I tried the pack, I'm not really seeing anything special either. What exactly does this pack do unique that I can't get from a modern 1.10.2 pack with optifine/shaders loaded? If it's just a few minor subtle changes, I don't see the point. (localized sound is cool, but more of a fluff feature to me)

    There are quality of life options missing too, such as WAILA, NEI/JEI (your recipe mod is a pain to use)

    Adding more comments as I try it out. Will update the post as I can
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
  20. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    6:21 AM
    First off, Swift is in beta and that's why you only found it on the latest channel and not the recommended/stable channel - it needs testing and tweaking still. Swift only alters Vanilla MC and Optifine video settings, and cannot alter other mod settings such as BetterFoliage at this time.

    I am aware of Swift changing non-performance-related settings in the current beta build. I am working on a patch that blacklists changing certain settings in order to prevent this for when the new release hits the stable channel. You can disable Swift entirely by removing the mod from the mods folder, and I am looking into ways of allowing it to be toggled in-game with a command.

    Edit: The patch for Swift settings blacklisting is complete and has been compiled and included in the next build, currently undergoing private testing before hitting the public latest channel.

    You are the first person ever to come to me and tell me that BetterFoliage is causing severe performance issues, as I have tested it on a wide range of different computers with the community and did not recieve any automated statistics of BetterFoliage causing issues in A/B testing or any reports of such either. It would be helpful if you could provide me with more details of what specs are in your computer and what edition of CraftMine you are trying to play so I can look into this further, as what you experienced was abnormal.

    Evidently it was a really short time, as the stats show for you. You just launched it, went to singleplayer and made a new world, joined it and stayed there for a very short time and then quit pretty much. You saw the shaders and the sounds and thought it was nothing special and didn't really go any further than that.

    Just skim read this thread of stuff I've said, there's lots of things that my pack offers that you won't find in your average 1.10.2 pack with shaders loaded. How about the revamped MobAI? Monsters that can actually throw eachother to get over walls, skeletons that can run after you and hit you with a sword, creepers that can throw TNT, zombies that can build their way across to you. Or what about the worldgen? Completely custom worldgen achieved through custom configs and combining multiple different mods to work together on the default worldgen setting, making more mountainous terrain and biomes that span even underground, each with their own rock type.

    If you want a kitchen sink pack with lots of mods that you can work through one by one, this pack is not for you. If you want a pack that has all the well known complicated mods that you had to learn how to use with a wiki as part of the fun in playing it, this pack still isn't for you. If you see this as just an outdated generic modpack with shaders and sounds on top then maybe you're missing the point and didn't give it a proper chance.

    Maybe see posts like: CraftMine pack - would you play it? | Page 7 | MineYourMind Community and CraftMine pack - would you play it? | Page 2 | MineYourMind Community

    About NEI: CraftMine pack - would you play it? | Page 5 | MineYourMind Community
    If it bothers you that much just add it yourself, no one's stopping you. WAILA I also explained somewhere in this thread, can't remember where though, something about a discovery gameplay mechanic I think.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
    BookerTheGeek likes this.

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