CraftMine pack - would you play it?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Paint_Ninja, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    As pertaining to performance, I figured out that the FPS hit was worldgen. Once the area I was in generated, the FPS went up to around 75 fps, which is fine. I'm not sure what the deal was, but turning off better foliage gave me a fps increase during that initial time, which is why I mentioned it.

    I did only play about the equivalent of one minecraft day to get a feel for the pack, and I get that you are trying to create a unique pack. I did notice worldgen changes, but alot of packs do that. I didn't get to the point of noticing the mob AI, but to be honest, mob AI has been done in quite a few mods, and each time I see it, I hate it. Combat in minecraft just plain sucks in my opinion, and not really why I play.

    I guess I was expecting to find something that was groundbreaking and "wowed" me, based on the description. Examples of that would be packs like "Invasion", or "Terra Firma", where it's still minecraft, but the mechanics have been flipped upside down. Instead it felt more like vanilla+.

    I'm not saying your pack sucks by any means. It's very pretty to look at, but I just couldn't get into the actual gameplay. Plus this thread was asking us "if there was a server, would I play it?" so I figured I'd answer that, and give reasons why.
  2. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Based on the description? You did that bit near the end, right?

    So basically the same as you would expect from any worldgen-heavy modpack, and by the time you turned off BetterFoliage the chunks were pretty much generated by then so you saw the correlation from that. Is 75fps with shaders and over 110 mods on the old-ish 1.7.10 Minecraft base poor to you?

    Kind of confused by your wording here, you're telling me you're not really bothered or interested (in the case of the MobAI, hate before you even see it and in the case of the worldgen, "alot of packs do that") in the two things I mentioned from the top of my head but don't really give me a great deal to go by as to what you would play. You give me the vague examples of "Invasion" and "Terra Firma" but don't tell me exactly what gameplay mechanics you like about them, why you find that they take things differently or further expand your point.

    The pack's genre is Vanilla+, if that's not for you just don't play it or at least if you're going to complain suggest how I could improve rather than solely pointing out issues you had with it when trying it out for ~10mins.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
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  3. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    I was apologizing about the performance, as when I made the post, i was getting around 10 fps. Once worldgen got done and it shot up to 75 fps, I realized where the problem was. Do I think 75fps with shaders and over 110 mods is good? Hell yeah. Do I think 10 fps during worldgen is good? Hell no. I was merely giving you a point of reference for when your game becomes unplayable for me. Do you expect me to stand in one place and never explore? Otherwise, worldgen will happen.

    I don't like combat in minecraft. It's not that I'm bad at it, I just find it boring. I'm also not a FPS junkie, so that may be the reason. Yes, there are mods out there that modify worldgen, and some do it quite well, such as Biomes O' Plenty, Realistic Terrain Generation, etc. Nearly all major modpacks include these mods in them.

    Invasion eliminates worldgen and makes you build up from loot you find from airdrops as well as killing NPC's. The difficulty ramps through the passage of time, with a goal to leave the planet before you die. Terra Firma on the other hand takes a more realistic approach to minecraft, with biome specific ores and flora, and realistic methods of ore mining and production. Both of those games take Minecraft, and use it to create something wholly unique. My comments stem from your words here: "It contains a lot of mods that have been modified or made exclusively for the pack, making it somewhat more unique than an average "generic modpack"." From my perspective, you are more of a mod creator (the specialized features you added) and decided to make a pack centered around it by including other mods you like. Again, none of that really creates a unique experience in my opinion.

    If you are going for unique, then most of the really engaging and popular packs (and sometimes mods themselves) have a unique theme that sets it apart from vanilla minecraft. They overhaul the core gameplay in such a way that it feels like a different game completely, but with minecraft roots. Modpack examples of this are the two I mentioned earlier, Galactic Science, Crash Landing (or the current remake "Forever Stranded"), the "Material Energy" series, etc.

    If you are sticking with just "Vanilla+", that's your choice, and I'm sure alot of people love that, but remember why this topic is here. You were asking if it should be a server on the MyM network, and to be honest, I just think it's a bit too vanilla to get people to play it here. That's purely my opinion though.
  4. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Just a heads up - I'm still maintaining this pack and this time I'm a bit more open to suggestions. If there's specific mods that you're looking for that are missing in this pack, feel free to let me know and I'll consider them.
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    11:39 PM
    Soo, I suppose I should ask... Are you dropping the Vanilla+ genre? Or are you still keeping it close to that, whilst still making it more tech-friendly? Just curious.
  6. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    The latter - I'm still keeping it close to the Vanilla+ genre, but I'm willing to make it more tech-friendly or whatever would give it a wider appeal.
  7. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Yeah if it had tech mods and a few magic mods like botania and thaumcraft I'd totally play the modpack
    HelloKittyPhone and Cubelex_YT like this.

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