Forever Stranded: The ongoing guide

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by CrimsonSZ, May 21, 2017.

  1. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    *Before I even start here are the categories: Stuff I found while playing: Should mostly apply to singleplayer and multiplayer. Server: Mostly server stuff. Really... basic: For the complete newbs.

    I figured since we're gonna have a F.S server, I could help out some of the newbies, especially the ones who have yet to face the harsh difficulty of Crash Landing. If you've got tips of yer own, leave em below! Btw, I'm writing as I play Singleplayer to refresh my memory.

    =Stuff I found while playing=
    1: Not sure if this applies to the server since it isn't released to public ATT of writing, but those powered lights you have in the ship where you start can be broken with your hand and act as light sources. Be efficient, you don't need so many to light up a ship, 3 minimum if you put em on the floor. (Use F7) The glowing blocks used to mimick a PC are also a light source but requires a pick.

    2: Crooks are your new best friend! The first tree you get, break only the bottom two logs. Get a crafting station to make a wooden crook to break leaves with. This increases your chance of getting saplings and is the ONLY way as far as I know to get silkworms which are required for resources later on.

    3: Get as much wood as possible in the day. Silkwormify a tree overnight and while waiting for day mine under your ship and get sand.

    4: As far as possible, do not eat the apples given at the start. If you get a third one, you can make an apple sapling and plant it somewhere for a small but useful source of food, albeit useless after a while due to spice of life.

    5: Husks that don't burn in daylight and can one shot you? Have a look at this
    6: It takes 10 cacti (10% each) compared to 8 saplings (12.5% each) to make a piece of dirt in a barrel. If you're low on saplings, they are a good alternative.

    7: You see that leaky pipe at the back of the ship and the puddle of lava? That cools you down if you stand in it... because Minecraft. (You'll know once your start cooling down and the floor becomes slippery like ice)

    =Server stuff=
    I figured since people don't know the basics, I'll have another section

    1: If you want to party with someone, do it via questbook and tp to your teammate. Remember to /sethome as /is home wil just bring you back to your shuttle.

    2: If you lost your quest book, there is a key do open its gui. Default is grave key under esc. Can be changed in controls.

    3: Need seared bricks for tinkers? Head to /spawn and find the sign

    =Really... basic=

    1: When you first join the server and accept the rules, either head to the other side of the spawn ship or do /is create.

    2: There is NO veinminer. You didn't think it'd be that easy did you?

    3: No infinite water sources either, maybe if you use an EnderIO reservoir? Haven't tested
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
    JamesYong likes this.
  2. oh oh oh, can i add???
    101. Do.Not.Make.Cactus.Walls.
    [doublepost=1495364867][/doublepost]Also, there is a water pool behind the space shuttle.
    [doublepost=1495364883][/doublepost]Also, die to get dirt!
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    • 1 day - get as many wood as possible and build a wall to keep pesky mobs away in a day.(sandstorm destroys cacti so dont use them)
    • Get pool of water away from any heat source to swim in it and get you cool down
    • dont bother with vanilla crops they will probably die in 90% sure
    • Block breaker and Hopper makes for nice first automatic cobble gen
  4. Do not get into a laughing contest with a witch.
  5. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    Bah, I've been having success with the cactus pit, even with the sandstorm. And the die to get dirt thing is cheap.
  6. Cactus pit is good if more than 3 blocks wide, but then it starts breaking. Invest in a stone wall with spikes on top and perhaps a automatic machine gun.
  7. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    Not advanced that far. I don't plan on making to much progress before the server. After the server I can continue this... thread.
  8. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    /tan tempinfo Gives a lot of information in regards to your heat based off your surroundings.
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Don't forget the Snad. With Snad you can easily setup a cactus farm that will cover all your dirt and water needs.

    Cactus tools are easily made and repaired since you grew that cactus on Snad right?

    Water will cool you down, as long as it isn't the middle of the day. Try to stand in a pool of water at night and late evening bringing your core temperature down to near hypothermia levels to last through those summer days.

    The weather deflector will stop a sandstorm before it forms.

    Look around your ship, there's plenty of things in the area to help you out.

    Placeable sand may be annoying, but it has a purpose.

    Stirling generators with capacitors are an excellent power source until you can build a reactor.

    That water looks dirty, so throw some cactus in a crucible instead.
  10. What is it?
  11. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    Place able sand can be crafted into actual sand blocks.... just in case you run out of sand...
    Dig with a hammer to get dust
  12. ...
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It has another use, though the sand crafting was a welcome edition.
  14. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    I figured out one: Preventing firespread via lava... does that count?
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  15. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    It counts as a great use! fire resistant carpet, as it were.
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Wow didn't realize it was that versatile!
  17. JamesYong

    JamesYong Well-Known Member

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    i think it prevent mob spawn as well.

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
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  18. Placeable sand helps mob rise from the pits to murder you in an ambush
  19. JamesYong

    JamesYong Well-Known Member

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    can use as slab... lol

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  20. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Lol getting dark there, gonna have to try this "Forever Stranded" out sometime

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