Hi folks, Few shots of the original base in MyM Showcase. I was hoping to slowly build it up. A week ago my base was a bit griefed so I send a ticket. Today I logged in and found this. Enjoy! What used to be entrance and storage room: Link: What used to be reactor, zetta big battery and metal ore storage room Link: Double coke oven and Railcraft tank 1/2 filled with creosote oil Link: Thematic crane - to be clay and brick production area Link: I'm posting here instead of sending yet another been-griefed-kindly-ban-another-idiot ticket for two reasons: First, for the MyM staff to further ratify, that separating the servers for donor and non-donor is a good idea and a practical one. It was suggested by yours truly as well as others and in these moments, @Lucrensions's 'remove idiots' couldn't express better what I'd like you folks to do. I Secondly as a warning to players - especially builders - who might be considering joining the Tekkit server. The server unfortunately does not offer sufficient protection mechanisms. The base was claimed. So if you plan for long-term play and maybe even building, go elsewhere. I spend about 2 months of irregular play and saw 2-3 other bases, some much larger and cooler than mine completely destroyed. Those bases were claimed too. Final thought. Since I started playing Regrowth on MyM and encountered the griefers and thieves on this network for the first time, I always wondered about MyM's 2-week ban policy. There's no reward for griefing or PvP activity in Minecraft (as opposed to e.g. Eve Online where it's the core part of gameplay). I therefore do not understand why you don't practice immediate permbans or hard tagging players who were previously banned. From my experience here, problem players coming back from the ban repeatedly cause damage or harm to other players. I have exactly ZERO experience that a problem player would come back and turned helpful. Lach
There is no such thing as a "MyM's 2-week ban policy". We send offending players on vacation for a length of time that is dependent on their crime, and we do take repeat offenses into consideration. Our current Grief Prevention system is not perfect. NO SYSTEM IS! But it will do the job in most cases. The sad truth of the situation is that those who seek to cause grief are just as, if not more inventive, than those strengthening the protections. Rest assured that as soon as we identify a method that bypasses our protection, we take steps to eliminate that method. This can vary from disallowing the use of certain items when near someone else's base, up to banning certain items. Finally, while we appreciate the frustration you are feeling, telling people to go elsewhere is not helpful.
Appreciate your answer @Broklyn_Datroll. Hope my post - while likely annoying - will prompt you guys to improve the situation or at least warn people joining the Tekkit server. On Regrowth I've "only" been stolen from and experienced smaller damage to surroundings of my base, which is recoverable. The fact that this scale of damage is possible is Tekkit means you lost your progress completely. I've seen the same damage to 3-4 guys who had way larger and much more built-up bases, so again. I'm not trying to be just annoying. Also I am not sending people away (from MyM network). But definitely do not recommend any surface or long-term building on Tekkit. I would be surprised if you did not agree with me.
I'll chime in on this one, since I've worked on the issue in TL. I discovered the method that players were using, and it is now disabled. Situations such as the method use are difficult to track down unless we catch the culprit doing it, or someone reports it. Players on occasion ignore the griefing going on and fail to report it continuing the damage to others. Or, in other words, if we don't know it is happening we cannot intervene. There also is no, nor has there been two weeks for every offense policy, banning is not one size fits all.
@Lachim_Heigrim as a former staff member I can attest to our networks dedication on fixing loopholes in the protection plugin that allow things like this to happen. Also, I feel for you.