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The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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  2. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    Hmm, some of these points were never listed in the actual EULA, and what was written here isn't exactly law. Such as, global boosters are allowed because they affect everyone with one's purchase, and no one is given an advantage, but boss fights are the same reason. ANYONE can fight them if they decide to show up, no advantage given.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  3. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    I've been griefed on Regrowth several times and staff quickly solved the all tickets. I was happy with my experience on the server and that later lead me to donate. @Lucrensions's idea sounds simple and I would consider it interesting by itself.

    The idea could be combined with voting system for packs that MyM has available. Donors could have slightly higher weight of vote (60% donors, 40% regular players), i.e. stronger influence of what pack should come. Voting for packs is out-of-game experience, so I feel it is not and can't be regulated by EULA .

    My thoughts are based on my experience with donor players. Whenever I meet a donor-level player they: a) usually care for the long-term play on server, b) try to help other players c) understand reasonably the mechanics of lag etc. These are the people I want to play with and there's greater chance they will preserve reasonable server performance. My opinion could be confirmed/rejected by studying donor player stats, and potentially chat logs if they are collected separately.

    Originally I was thinking about proposing in-game voting for donor (e.g. to force server restart, for short (..hours) troll/griefer temporary ban). There were situations when a server was semi-dead (Galactic Science) and we had to wait for it to die, or wait for staff to do something. I've experienced a live trolling/griefing situation and had to watch chat messages of the victim. In both cases I would appreciate a reasonably-safe mechanism to act quickly, instead of waiting, and helping victim send tickets. Of course any such mechanismcan be misused so it could be tricky to implement (e.g. player voting cool down, threshold of 51% of players present have to agree). It is also might be considered in-game experience and if donors had greater voting power it could be considered as unfair in-game advantage by EULA.
    deepcage and Psycho7s like this.
  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    This might be allowed if it were to give an increased vote weight outside of the server, probably not if the votes were server-only.
  5. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure such a great network like this will be able to pull together what is needed to survive this.
  6. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    I guess it was already mentioned, but the easiest way would to upscale the amount of stuff that Patrons get.
    Make most of the servers require a low tier Patron level. Like 2.99€ for example.
    Make maybe one public one, all other would require the low patron rank.
    That would mean you would just help out with server costs and you are allowed to played on all non public servers.

    You have to remove most of the imba perks like fly, god and kits. you can keep more homepoints and other stuff, because all get them in some way, so you can argue that you dont really get an advantage.

    I guess that would mean good bye to the tier levels and do some more work around the patrons, but its a more reliable income aswell. I bought my Tier Ranks years ago, so did most of the other people.

    It would also mean good by first hour end dragon kills :p
    I am fine with that! ;-)


    I just read a few pages and yes, it was proposed in one way or another already.
    In my opinion, this would be the easiest implemented change. There are maybe some that would be angry that they lose their perks, but you can always do some kind of time based refund, if you purchased within the last weeks.

    It would mean a way more reliable income, better planning and more.
    Even if you dont have a income and are maybe young, 3,99€ a month, you could also pay from your pocket money, or go do some work for your aunt or grandparent for a hour :-D
    If there is a will there is a way.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    yeah, but some people aren't even able to get money that easily, such as myself. only reason I have a tier is because a friend bought it for me.

    I say let anyone who purchased a tiered rank keep theirs and if they have tier 1(or 2, your choice) or above let them have access to the server. it only seems fair.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
    Rohen likes this.
  8. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    The only way this works is simple.

    Subscription based where everyone has the exact same ingame perks those can basically be whatever the server own wants.

    You have to pay to play

    End of story.

    Otherwize you have to sell cosmetics that will never sell and the server closes or closes most servers due to the cost.

    Tired of hearing all this useless loopholes that are not even loopholes being suggested.

    Unless you're Hypixel you don't get the Royal treatment. Hasn't your Governments teached any of you anything?

    There are two types of people in this life... "US" and "Them" and right now we're the "US"
    Decnav likes this.
  9. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Did you even read the last few comments?
    Becuase if you did, they weren't about loopholes.
    [doublepost=1510340439][/doublepost]Also, no, they aren't gonna just lock everyone out. They have a free to play server, and then a pay to play server.
    For example, a BeyondFree server, and a BeyondPaid server.
    The free one will have all the same stuff the paid one does, just minus the paid for perks.
  10. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    There can always be around 1 public server, it might not be the latest modpack, but even if you dont have money you will still be able to play.
    You could calculate your tier on the lowest patron rank. Like if you are tier 2 you would get a few months patron.
    But you also have to take into account when people did purchase their ranks, if it was 2015 or last month, should make a difference. ;-)

    Life isnt only lemonade, sometimes you have to first make it. :D
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Yeah, but unfortunately life isn't full of oppurtunities. and don't use the whole, "you just gotta look for them" thing, trust me, I have. I live out ~1/2 an hours drive from the nearest town. and it rarely has any job openings for anybody of my age. not to mention my parents are just barely making the bills on some months, so... you know, kindof difficult for me to make money. not to mention anyone who may be in the same, if not a worse situation like mine. So, just saying, you'd easily kill a vast majority of players.
    [doublepost=1510341523][/doublepost]Oh, and before you say "then just drive",
    1.) not old enough to drive, let alone learn to drive
    2.) I don't have a license
    3.) I don't have a car
    Oh, and both of my parents are using the cars we do have. So there you go.

    Still, to make it where it's some monthly subscription would easily kill off many people who would otherwise love to play MYM.
    Also, just gonna let you know from experience, the last time a server tried this, they closed down ~6 months later. And they had a playerbase roughly similar to ours.
    The42ndDruid likes this.
  12. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Hey guys just a quick little insert, let’s all remember why we care so much, this is OUR community and we all love it, let’s remember that in our comments here and everywhere, disagreements are understandable, let’s just make sure to keep it civil. ;)
    lryanle and mrminesheeps like this.
  13. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Hey guys, let’s please focus on the issue presented in this thread and come together as a community to help solve it, what we don’t want to do is turn this into a post all about “but he said” let’s just keep it clear of any insults and focus on solving our problem, much appreciated.
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  14. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Please keep this thread on topic. Further off-topic posts will result in a reply-ban from the thread without warning.
    lryanle, mrminesheeps and GreyWolf11 like this.
  15. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    What's going on with the polls? Few days ago one of the owners said they would release a poll in a couple of days and nothing has presented itself?
  16. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    I can't speak for the founders, but I know suggestions are still coming in, and we're reviewing them as quickly as we can. We should be able to get the ideas public fairly soon, but right now I can't give you an exact time.
  17. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    deleted in favor of posting to the suggestion link
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  18. ApexMega

    ApexMega Active Member

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    as said by someone else a few pages ago, having 2 seperate servers for every modpack probably will be the best way. Server 1 is f2p and everyone has access to it, but nobody has perks donator or otherwise, and then Server 2 is the donator one where only donators can go to it and all their perks are enabled, that way its 1 f2p server thats 100% allowed and then 1 donator server where everyone has all perks which should be 100% allowed too.
    GoddessXXX likes this.
  19. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    May want to post that in the link provided here so that it doesn’t get lost in this sea of chaos
    lryanle likes this.
  20. GoddessXXX

    GoddessXXX Well-Known Member

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    Is it possible to have ads on the website that can generate income? Maybe if we have something on the website that would allow us to bring more traffic to the site? - (this was probably already suggested...)

    Also... is there a budget that we can view? I may know someone that would be willing to donate...
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