Done Clarification requested on EMC Loops/generation.

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by deepcage, May 2, 2018.

  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    ok... then why is there a recipe like that in the game? if thats not allowed, shouldnt you disable the recipe then?

    Not emerald blocks (enderium) by the way.
  2. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Cause modpack authors are only human, but the intention of the mod dev is that such things should not exist
  3. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Well in truth, we cannot speak for the developer. If he left it in the modpack, and didn't want it there, isn't it his fault for not removing the recipe? Because any sane player would use this as a method of emc, if nothing more than easy ludicrite.
  4. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    please care, im talking about 2 things here: modpack author = creator of the modpack (he might have overseen this recipe emc problem).
    the other person im talking about is the dev of the emc mod itself, afaik there was a post of him that such things are not intended in any way.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Did it make it into the modpack: Yes.
    Did you guys disable it: No
    Is it working in single player: Yes

    Why do you then still consider this not allowed? And who is with you on this? because last time i checked, rules werent made up by 1 single admin... right?
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    The reason you only hear from @Werwolfi_de is because he wrote that SOP and thereby works as the inofficial spokesperson or "explainer" when it comes to people needing clarification on certain things regarding EMC loops. He has all the rules in his head and has answered questions here many times before, so it is only natural that you will most likely see him respond here.

    The current rule set has been discussed and agreed on within the admin and founder team (and any manager that feels like joining the conversation). So if you try to get different opinion out of any other admin, I have to tell you that you are out of luck my friend.

    Of course that doesn't mean that everyone personally agrees with every detail (otherwise we would all be the same person), but as of now Wolfis explanations and decisions on particular setups represent the current opinion of the MyM Staff Team.

    If you want to suggest a particular change to these rules, you are of course welcome to open a thread in the suggestions forum.
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Well to be fair, it made it into the modpack, and given all previous updates, it has yet to be removed. With that said, the EMC mod does have it's own rules and was by design that ludicrite got it's value. I've personally used the mod, and have worked on EMC values before, and I will tell you, the mod calculates the value of an item based off of the value of the items that make it up. Furthermore, the mod calculates the value of an item based on the first recipe for it that it sees. In this case, it's first seen recipe is the one with nether stars and emerald blocks. Therefore, the value gets determined there, and not by other recipes. If you wanted to change the value, you could do so by simply giving it a value yourself. Now with that said, the value of a singular ludicrite block was pre-determined by the mod itself, which is thus an intended effect. Whether or not the modpack author wanted this is a question, but as far as I am concerned, they should've removed the cheaper recipe if they didn't want it being used.

    If you need an example, let's assume item X is created with 3 different items. Item A is worth 240 EMC, item B is worth 2096 EMC, and item C is worth 10,000 EMC. You need 2x item A, 2x item B, and 5x item C. Craft these items together, and item X is automatically assigned a value of 54,672 EMC. Now, you could give it a value yourself, however, this will be the "default value" of the item.
  8. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Yes we could do that but do you know how much wrong emc numbers there are? thats a massive amount of time needed to go through every item and check and fix everything on every server we have. Also just to make it clear, the mod dev was asked what he thinks about those exploits and answered with that he doesnt want them to exist, sadly modpack authors are sometimes lazy or just dont care about it or abandond the project.
    I tried to find his thread/reply but had no chance yet. If i find it i will link it ;)

    I am the only one answering cause i fought hard that we replace the old rules on that which you can find in this thread. If it would go completly how i want there wouldnt be any restrictions at all on emc. Im the one answering most questions regarding on emc setups cause i got deep into the problem and talked to alot of people and i think we found a good solution everyone likes and since i know most of it and got alot of experience you are hearing mostly from me :)

    Hope that clears it up a bit.
    Sandstroem likes this.
  9. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Forgot one part
    Technically we could make rules up by ourself since every single of us is responsible for the growing and how the network is. BUT we do this only in really rare and time sensitive cases and if we cant get any input from our fellow admins and/or staff
  10. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    well then since you decide that its not allowed, just change/remove the recipe then. Because its not stated anywhere that people cant make the cheap recipe other than in this topic. Which means this wont be the last time people will use/abuse it and might even potentially get banned for something they couldnt possibly know anything about, since this forum has so many different places with rules, that its impossible to find them all.

    Just to point out what i mean with how your "rules" are spread out:
    • Rules in-game
    • Rules on website [LINK]
    • Banned Items list in-game (8 pages for PO2)
    • A seperate Endgame items list [LINK]
    • A seperate topic for EMC (loops) [LINK]
    • now this topic
    • Potentially more that i have missed.
    And since your own staff thinks certain posts dont apply anymore and start to make stuff up, doesnt help in this matter. (Talk to Sico).
    This was actually part of the OP and why i made this post, but it got completely sidetracked by a discussion about an EMC setup.

    As for my EMC setup, i have completely taken down the ludicrite blocks setup and im doing the blaze loop thing. (the one thats allowed).

    Here's another example of people not knowing its not allowed, and using the Ludicrite EMC Loop. This was just now on PO2 Kappa when i was visiting Riot_Drummers island:
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    @Werwolfi_de could we get another reply from you on this matter please?
  12. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    Already replied to this to sheep
    So the rules ingame are just a quick summary with the most important rules, there is also a link to the website with all the detailed rules(if you have common sense you will not break them anyway). The banned item list is different to any server and also every item which is banned should have a tooltip on it. i dont see why we should change this 3 points in any way.
    Endgame items are a guideline we etablished to let people enjoy the pack as much as they can, maybe you noticed that we dont always enforce this rule and if we do we are trying to teach the people instead of punishing them.
    last point, and i think in this case most important point: emc loops. those are stated as exploits and im pretty sure abusing bugs/exploits are already in every rule set we have. and this topic is for future reference if people are interested in reading about it :)

    Like a fellow staff member already told you: I would like if you create a suggestion why the emc rules should be changed/removed and we can see what we can do.

    i already talked to him only a day after you created this topic. It seems there was a missunderstanding between you both. sico knows that the current post is still valid.

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