New Project Ozone 3 Patron Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Local Time:
    3:23 PM
    Server Address
    Twitch Launcher - MyM-Launcher

    Launch Times
    Patron Tier 3: Friday, 15th February at 6am CET
    Patron Tier 2: Saturday, 16th February at 6am CET
    Patron Tier 1: Sunday, 17th February at 6am CET

    Time Converter
    Pack Description Project Ozone 3: A New Way Forward is a pack filled to the brim of mods ranging from tech to magic to even exploration. A Better Questing pack filled with "currently 1106" quests (if you include the reward system). Project Ozone 3 also supports pack modes as they become available (Normal, Titan and Kappa). Normal mode in PO3 will be "slightly" more difficult than Project Ozone 2's due to mod progression. There are still "simple" achievements after the main quests we just use Better Questing entirely.
    Patron Server Information This is a Patron ONLY server. This means that if you have a current patron subscription, you are able to join this server. Once your patron runs out, you can no longer join the server. Patron Tier 3 and Tier 2 gets early access. See Launch Times.

    Want to get Patron? Visit our Shop
    Warnings As the pack is still in beta and being one of our 1.12 servers, this pack is highly experimental. There are a lot of new dimensions in this pack that have never been in a 1.12 pack on MyM before. It is quite possible that you might see dimension resets earlier than expected if something breaks.
    Pubic Release Information Yes, there will be a public server for Project Ozone 3. This is TBD.
    ApyroNox, Pet_s, Fireforce and 10 others like this.
  2. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    9:23 PM
    WOOT, im loving this :D tho im not patron, i might get it on the day of release :D
    Aidoneus likes this.
  3. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    9:23 PM
    great news :)

    Ive heard from OGs discord that sponge can cause headaches with a few astral things and the TF stuff

    Thanks for taking this on, and sorry in advance for the headaches it will cause

    is it .37?

    just realised my patron expired yesterday, once more into the (project ozone) fray
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:23 PM
    In the patch notes for updated Astral Sorcery, Hellfire (Astral Sorcery Dev) fixed some sponge incompatibilities.
    c0mical likes this.
  5. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    10:23 PM
    oh no, not like this. I didn't finish Enigmatica ... What am I supposed to do xD
  6. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    9:23 PM

    (If anyone gets the reference, I'll be impressed!)
  7. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    9:23 PM
    random thought, would it be worth putting TF to a weekly reset from the get go?, unless that is already the plan
    Fireforce likes this.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:23 PM
    The automatic farmworld reset list Will be finalized tonight. You will see this posted here later.
  9. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    10:23 PM
    I simply can not wait for the server to open...
    Exceptions are high tho embers ew
    Timmypwn and WishMage like this.
  10. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    10:23 PM
    I played to about the philosophers stone on another server - I liked it a lot, but I thought embers and abyssalcraft were pretty tedious.
  11. metalim

    metalim Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    Played to the endgame. Several garbage mods are put as quest-locks.
    1. Embers is piece of garbage, super counter-intuitive mod, with most useless in-game manual I've ever seen. And It is required to go through almost entire Embers to progress through mid-game. Thankfully there are options and shortcuts, but you need to learn the mod from video-tutorials.
    2. AbyssalCraft - okeish mod, with slow progression, with "progress for progress". Thankfully only early part of it is required to progress to endgame.
    3. PneumaticCraft - was required for endgame. But with 3.0.38 update the damn plastic is required for all Mekanism machines. This is evil.
    4. Lord Craft - totally pointless time-waste until very deep into the mod, when you can do quests and obtain permanent perks. Time-waste part is required to progress through mid-game. Perks are optional and boring.
    5. Armor crafting chain is evil. Fortunately there are out-of-chain alternatives, which are actually better, until very late-game.
    6. 3.0.38 has broken all killing quests, some of which are quest-locks for other lines. For example Ender Dragon - to unlock Void Craft questline.
    7. Better Questing is used for quests. This is so oldschool. Detection is slow and unreliable, taking rewards requires to open every freaking quest and click "Claim".

    The good parts:
    1. Tons of options. Very unbalanced, but fun to find shortcuts and cheesy ways.
    2. Tons of different mods are put into questline. Learning them is fun. Quests provide quite good info on how to use mod. Except for Embers, which just suggests to read the codex, which is crap.
    3. Rewards system is nice. For quests you get RAKs - the money, you can spend on Loot crates, Ability totems and OP weapons.
    4. To proceed to endgame you'll have to go through following mods: Mystical Agriculture, Tinkers' Construct, PneumaticCraft, Embers Rekindled, Twilight Forest, Land Craft, Erebus, Lord Craft, Botania, VoidCraft, Astral Sorcery, AbyssalCraft, NuclearCraft, Mekanism, Extended Crafting, ProjectE, and finally Avaritia. The rest are optional.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:23 PM
    This sounds like the sort of thing that you should share with the PO3 discord team. The pack is still in beta so I'm assuming they would like feedback, but thanks for your input here that's an excellent road map to know what is required.
    Timmypwn likes this.
  13. ApyroNox

    ApyroNox 404 | Not Found

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    10:23 PM
    I'm hyped for the Public Release . . . from what I have read here it will be the type of Modpack I like.
    Is there a Public Release date allready?
  14. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    5:23 PM
    There are no plans for a public release soon to my knowledge
  15. nojanno

    nojanno Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    Hi, I've been away for ages, how demanding is this pack compared to PO2? Curious cause I havent upgraded my bought a new PC just yet and don't wanna Patreon if I can't play.
  16. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    5:23 PM
    It is quite demanding. It reccomends 6gb of RAM allocated if I remember correctly.

    Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk
    Fireforce likes this.
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This will not run on a potato, and even when you have a high end pc it still has horrible load times, I spend around four minutes waiting for it to load which is rather annoying at times should you crash.
  18. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    9:23 PM
    probably wont run on an amd either
  19. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    5:23 PM
    You wanna tussle, join us in the tech on discord, though I warn ye, you will lose.

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