Implemented [Server Suggestion] Sky Factory 4 - pros 'n cons

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by BenjiTheViking, May 16, 2019.

  1. BenjiTheViking

    BenjiTheViking Well-Known Member

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    8:08 AM
    Hello, fellow gamers of the MyM community!
    Another great modpack has been released recently, namely Sky Factory 4.
    And of course, my first thought was that we needed a server on the MyM network.
    But the modpack does come with some problematics that we have to deal with.[​IMG]
    So let's start off with the pros:
    • Its a fresh new "questing" (more on that later) modpack that introduces new and exciting mechanics to the sky block scene.

    • It's a non-hardcore modpack, which for some is a pretty big deal, with me included.

    • The progression is not heavily gated behind quests, and you are really free to do it in any order you want to.

    • It uses a lesser known questing mod, using advancements instead of the normal quests that we are used to. This also means that there are no rewards, except for the results of your hard labor.

    But sadly, there is one big con:
    • The modpack uses a prestige system, which adds prestige points that let you unlock new stuff. (I haven't really toyed around with it yet) It gives you access to more starter islands, and I believe also some starting kits. (Don't quote me on that). Now you might think "well this is great", and it is, on a single player perspective. It adds replayability since you need to go through the pack multiple times to truly 100% it.
      But on a server / multiplayer standpoint, it can be a bit hard to set up. Since you will have to use different types of islands to complete the game, we will need to modify the island system that we are currently using.
    I would absolutely love to hear your guys opinion on this since I think we all can agree that it would be lovely with a new modpack. And also what is some of your pros/cons to the modpack? Do you think it is possible or not?

    //Disclaimer: I am not promising anything with this suggestion, and it is purely a personal suggestion.
    Happy gaming!
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  2. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    this is like the 3rd post for SF4? XD But yes i think having a sf4 server, with prestige, is possible as stated in another post found here
    BenjiTheViking likes this.
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    The point of prestige is that you replay it and unlock more and more quality of life things like veinminer, hopping bonsai etc. But the fun in restarting also comes from the various maps that have unique challenges. Unfortunately I think you cant have all the maps selectable on one server.

    At the same time I think not having a sf4 server is what I would almost consider carelessness. It is like a bar throwing out tvs during a soccer world championship. People will just go somewhere else.

    So mym should just have a non prestige version with one or maybe a few selectable islands.

    Then some people argue we have too many skyblocks. That is true. But A) it is not myms fault that modpack devs are currently not able to come up with interesting non skyblocks and b) we might as well just use the normal land without oregen for sf4,which is one of the options the pack offers
    BenjiTheViking likes this.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Prestige is what gives this pack some life, otherwise you might as well play skyfactory 2,2.5,3 again. The maps are for most part basically standard block, tree void. A vast majority are just that with some added flavor, either it is lava, cobwebs, bedrock etc. There are a few more flavorful maps such as a village, or the domed cities. Only one of these is locked behind prestige, the EMC island, which unless it has been added recently has not been added to the pack as of yet.

    When we first mulled the idea of adding Skyfactory 4 I suggested we keep it simple with the island creation since they are so close together and the benefits to having say a regular dirt block island having so little of a difference to a dirt block with TNT on the floor that we do something like Traditional Island, Village Island for Patrons if they wanted a bit of a step up, and the EMC Island be locked behind Prestige as intended when it was finally implemented.
    BenjiTheViking likes this.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The overdose on skyblocks lately is why I've not released an alpha form of MyM Skies for patron I'd rather release it when there is an actual interest in skyblocks.

    We could do as you suggested as well use one of the normal world templates, but they tend to be slightly more boring, and much more likely to have players get their faces eaten on login.
    BookerTheGeek and BenjiTheViking like this.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Why is that? Just use claim protection and build a safe spawn.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Think of it like Divine Journey when we first released it, the mobs were so bountiful players died as soon as they stepped out of spawn, sort of like joining Regrowth at night..
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The good old days
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I remember when I logged on to mym and rg the first time. I rtped, ended on a small island in a large ocean, then I swam for 20 minutes. Almost drowned, almost starved. Then I realized I was in the farm world
    wyndman and WishMage like this.
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I disagree... What gives this pack some life and makes it worth playing vs playing through SF2-3 again is the different selection of mods it has just like playing SF3 vs playing SF2 again, though most notably with SF4 the decision to centre the pack around Sky Orchards as a replacement for the Ex.Nihilo style sieving that was the primary resource generating focus of basically every modded skyblock since 1.6, that's what makes the pack look interesting to me, not some arbitrary grindy functionality gating "prestige" system.

    Prestige mode only "adds" something to the experience if you are the hardcore grind loving type, but for the average user it's really nothing more than an unnecessary burden, take the examples that @Sandstroem mentioned above, with Prestige mode disabled, things like vein miner and hopping bonzai's are just available to anyone from the start, with Prestige mode enabled those things are suddenly gated off and you are forced to manage without them until you "unlock" them, which to the more casual player is just an annoying waste of time.

    Not to mention the fact that the Parabox thing is utter cancer as a mechanic, when you activate it it makes a backup of the world, then when you "close the loop" to obtain the prestige points it has accumulated while active, the reason it requires a server restart is that it then forcibly restores the backup, undoing any progress that anyone has made while the box was active, so say for example I set up and enable a parabox while I'm the only person online and leave it running for a few hours, other players could log in after I enabled it and have no idea, spend an hour or two making progress on their islands, then later when nobody else is online again I could close the loop (since no other players to vote against it), and all the progress that the other players made while my box was active is suddenly undone after the server finishes the forced restart and the backup from when I first activated it is restored.

    Obviously, hardware availability permitting if MyM does decide to add SF4 the ideal solution would be have two servers, one with Prestige disabled and one with it enabled, just like how Infinity Evolved had normal mode servers and expert mode servers, then each user is free to choose which server to play on based on the experience they would prefer.
  11. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    So, you guys abandoned for good the ideea of this server?
    There is a VERY big problem for me, and maybe im not the only one here ... i am being forced to go play on some other server cuz we dont have this here.
    You can make a test server without the prestige thingie .... just to see how it goes ...

    For this i can be a patron again for sure.

    Please think this again!

  12. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    As stated by Wynn most of the 1.12 servers are skyblocks and they die out after the initial hype of the release
  13. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    Ye, i understand that, we had tons of skyblocks lately, some good some not so.
    But lets be serious, SF is good no matter the number at the end.
    And 4 is not a disappointment.

    And yes i saw what Wynn stated but that was just a replay from a player, not an official response from the MyM network.
  14. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately while I do see this being added eventually id say it would prob be a bit. We are so heavily Skyblock orientated right now that it's just overwhelming. Most of the players are looking for something that is atleast some form of overworld. Thats why Bteam, Galactic science and infinity do well honestly. They are very decent packs that are not skyblock. If you look into the server stats a little and watch playtimes the skyblock servers we have practically die at certain times while server like infinity stay alive.

    In my opinion this should probably wait a few months or so until we release any form of this. We need more overworld packs.
    Fireforce and LadyRen13 like this.
  15. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    BUMP -

    Just curious if this has been officially Decided Against

  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    No, noting could be further from the truth.. unless we're testing it for nothing.
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  17. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    1:08 AM
    Nice - Thanks for the reply and all your / the staffs efforts.

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